





























| English Expression                                     | Explanation                                                                                              | Example Sentence                                                                                                                  |
| **Administer first aid treatment**                     | To provide initial care and treatment to someone who is injured or ill.                                  | "It's crucial to administer first aid treatment immediately to prevent the condition from worsening."                            |
| **Sufficient first aid provision**                     | Adequate supplies and resources to handle first aid needs in an emergency.                               | "Our facility ensures sufficient first aid provision is available for all employees."                                             |
| **Call emergency services as necessary**               | Contacting professional medical help when a situation exceeds first aid capabilities.                     | "If the injury is severe, call emergency services as necessary to ensure the victim receives appropriate care."                   |
| **The appointed person is responsible for ensuring the upkeep of the first aid kit and calling emergency services, if needed** | A designated individual tasked with maintaining first aid supplies and coordinating emergency responses. | "The appointed person checked the first aid kit monthly and was trained to call emergency services in a crisis."                  |
| **Get hurt at work**                                   | To suffer an injury in the workplace.                                                                    | "If you get hurt at work, report the incident immediately to your supervisor."                                                    |
| **Appropriate decisions**                              | Correct or suitable choices based on the situation.                                                     | "Making appropriate decisions during an emergency can save lives."                                                                |
| **Best dealt with as soon as possible**                | Situations or problems that should be addressed immediately to avoid worsening.                          | "Leaks in chemical storage areas are best dealt with as soon as possible to prevent hazards."                                     |
| **Trip hazards**                                       | Obstacles or conditions that could cause someone to trip and fall.                                       | "All trip hazards should be clearly marked and removed where possible to maintain a safe walking path."                           |
| **Well-lit**                                           | Sufficiently illuminated, typically for visibility and safety.                                           | "Ensure all corridors are well-lit to prevent accidents in low light conditions."                                                 |
| **Blown bulbs**                                        | Burned out light bulbs that need replacement.                                                            | "Regularly check for blown bulbs in the workplace to maintain proper lighting."                                                   |
| **Untidy surfaces**                                    | Areas that are cluttered or messy, potentially causing accidents.                                        | "Keep all work surfaces untidy to minimize the risk of spills or mishaps."                                                        |
| **Investigate the cause of the accident**              | To examine or look into the reasons an accident occurred.                                                | "It's important to investigate the cause of the accident to prevent future incidents."                                            |
| **Preventative measures should be put in place**       | Actions taken to prevent an incident before it occurs.                                                  | "After reviewing the accident report, preventative measures should be put in place to ensure it doesn’t happen again."           |
| **Primary survey**                                     | An initial assessment to check for any life-threatening conditions in a casualty.                        | "The first aider performed a primary survey to assess the casualty’s airway, breathing, and circulation."                        |
| **Proceed immediately to basic life support**          | Begin emergency procedures to maintain life, such as CPR.                                                | "If the person is not breathing, proceed immediately to basic life support."                                                     |
| **Grazes and bruises**                                 | Minor injuries involving scraping of skin or impact causing discoloration but not breaking the skin.    | "Most playground incidents result in minor grazes and bruises."                                                                   |
| **Inspect the wound**                                  | To look at an injury closely, typically to assess its severity and type.                                 | "Carefully inspect the wound for any debris before applying a dressing."                                                         |
| **Apply a sterile dressing**                           | Covering a wound with a clean bandage to protect it from infection and aid healing.                      | "After cleaning the cut, apply a sterile dressing to keep the area clean."                                                       |
| **Seek medical help**                                  | To obtain professional healthcare for injuries or conditions beyond basic first aid.                     | "If the wound shows signs of infection, seek medical help from a healthcare provider."                                           |
| **Preserving life**                                    | The primary goal of first aid, which is to maintain life during critical situations.                     | "All first aid training emphasizes preserving life as the top priority during an emergency."                                      |
| **Carry out the secondary survey**                     | A thorough check of the casualty to identify other potential injuries or issues after the primary survey.| "Once the casualty was stable, the first aider carried out the secondary survey to check for other injuries."                     |





Plateau Effectとは、言語学習の中で進歩が遅くなったり停滞したりする時期のことを指します。特に会話力などのスキルでよく起こる現象です。Plateau Effectが起こる主な理由は以下の通りです。








| English Expression                                                 | Explanation                                                                                                              | Example Sentence                                                                                                                        |
| **Blown in**                                                       | Typically used to describe something that has been moved by air or wind.                                                 | "Leaves had blown in through the open window, scattering across the floor."                                                             |
| **Profusely**                                                      | To do something to a great degree, often used to describe something flowing abundantly like sweat or bleeding.            | "He was sweating profusely after the intense workout."                                                                                  |
| **Plaster**                                                        | A soft mixture that hardens when dried, used for coating walls; also a small adhesive bandage to cover minor wounds.      | "Apply a plaster to the cut to keep it clean and protected."                                                                            |
| **Whilst busy with food prep for the next shift**                  | While engaged in preparing food, typically in a professional setting.                                                     | "He slipped and sprained his ankle whilst busy with food prep for the next shift."                                                      |
| **Bad seizure**                                                    | A severe episode of epileptic activity or convulsion.                                                                    | "The patient had a bad seizure and required immediate medical attention."                                                               |
| **Tap water**                                                      | Water supplied through faucets from a municipal or local water system, suitable for drinking and other uses.              | "Please use tap water for boiling pasta, as it's readily available and cost-effective."                                                 |
| **Microwave oven**                                                 | An electric oven that uses microwaves to heat or cook food.                                                               | "Reheat the leftovers in the microwave oven for about two minutes."                                                                     |
| **Favor**                                                          | Preference or support for someone or something.                                                                          | "She would always favor chocolate over vanilla."                                                                                        |
| **Taste preference**                                               | Individual choice or liking towards particular flavors or types of food.                                                 | "His taste preference clearly leans towards spicy food."                                                                               |
| **Cause skin irritation**                                          | To induce an inflammatory reaction of the skin.                                                                          | "Certain laundry detergents can cause skin irritation, especially for those with sensitive skin."                                       |
| **Cause asthma if inhaled, or even explode in a fireball when ignited** | Describing the potential hazards of inhaling toxic substances or the risks associated with flammable materials.          | "Be cautious with the chemical storage; vapors could cause asthma if inhaled, or even explode if ignited."                              |
| **Ramune spurts out**                                              | Describes the effervescent action typical of the Japanese soda, Ramune, which can spurt out when opened.                  | "Be careful when opening the bottle, as Ramune spurts out due to its carbonation."                                                      |
| **Blow out**                                                       | To extinguish or cause to stop functioning by a gust or breath.                                                          | "He managed to blow out all the candles on his birthday cake in one go."                                                                |
| **Spout**                                                          | To emit or discharge forcibly and abundantly, often referring to liquids.                                                | "The teapot began to spout steam as the water boiled."                                                                                  |
| **Dilute the floor cleaner**                                       | To make a cleaning solution less concentrated by adding water.                                                           | "Always dilute the floor cleaner with water according to the instructions to avoid damaging the surface."                               |
| **Corrosive**                                                      | A substance that can destroy or irreversibly damage another substance it comes into contact with through a chemical reaction. | "Store corrosive materials safely to prevent them from harming staff or damaging equipment."                                           |
| **Crisis averted!**                                                | An expression used when an immediate danger or serious issue has been successfully prevented.                             | "Thanks to the quick thinking of our staff, the gas leak was fixed and crisis averted!"                                                 |
| **Store the floor cleaner properly**                               | To keep a cleaning agent in a suitable place and manner to ensure safety and maintain its effectiveness.                  | "Ensure to store the floor cleaner properly to prevent spills and maintain workplace safety."                                           |
| **Add goods to the shelf**                                         | Placing products or items on shelves for storage or sale.                                                                | "It’s time to restock, please add goods to the shelf in the storeroom."                                                                 |
| **As per**                                                         | According to or in accordance with.                                                                                      | "Store the cleaner as per the manufacturer's guidance to ensure safety and efficacy."                                                   |
| **I've been getting used to daily life**                           | Adapting or becoming accustomed to the everyday routine.                                                                 | "After moving to a new city, I've been getting used to daily life and the local customs."                                               |
| **Yep yep**                                                        | A casual and informal affirmative response, often used to show agreement or acknowledgment in a conversational context.  | "Yep yep, I’ll see you at the usual spot after work."                                                                                  |
| **Monstrous**                                                      | Extremely large or fearsome.                                                                                            | "The company faced monstrous challenges during the fiscal year, but managed to overcome them."                                          |







| English Expression     | Explanation                                                                                       | Example Sentence                                                                              |
| **Suspended**          | Temporarily stopped or delayed.                                                                   | "The project was suspended until further notice due to budget cuts."                          |
| **Train is suspended** | Refers to a temporary halt in train services, often due to technical issues or external factors.  | "Due to severe weather conditions, the train service is suspended until it's safe to proceed."|
| **Acquaintance**       | A person known to one, but usually not a close friend.                                            | "I ran into an old acquaintance from school at the conference."                               |
| **In lieu of**         | Instead of; in place of.                                                                          | "In lieu of traditional gifts, the couple requested donations to their favorite charity."     |





















| English Expression                                                                 | Explanation                                                                                                                                 | Example Sentence                                                                                                                     |
| **I ended up walking through five stations**                                       | Expresses a situation where the outcome was unexpected or unplanned.                                                                        | "After the bus broke down, I ended up walking through five stations to get home."                                                   |
| **Breadcrumb trails**                                                              | Figuratively refers to leaving a trail of small hints or evidence.                                                                          | "We all leave behind our own little breadcrumb trails on the internet."                                                             |
| **Dig into some methods**                                                          | To start to investigate or discuss something in detail.                                                                                     | "In today’s meeting, we’ll dig into some of the methods used in data analysis."                                                     |
| **Discloses that**                                                                 | Reveals or makes known information, especially formally or officially.                                                                      | "The report discloses that the patient has an autoimmune condition."                                                                |
| **Comply with the legal requirements**                                             | To act according to what the law demands.                                                                                                   | "It's crucial for the company to comply with the legal requirements to avoid penalties."                                            |
| **Rectification**                                                                  | The act of correcting something or making something right.                                                                                  | "The customer demanded rectification of the billing error."                                                                         |
| **Legitimate interests**                                                           | A legal basis for processing personal data under GDPR, where processing is necessary for the interests of the data controller.              | "The company argued that the surveillance of employees was based on legitimate interests for security reasons."                     |
| **Vulnerable to data theft**                                                       | At risk of unauthorized access and theft of data.                                                                                           | "Small businesses are often more vulnerable to data theft due to lack of robust security measures."                                 |
| **Accountability**                                                                 | The obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible governance.                                                            | "The new data protection law emphasizes the accountability of organizations in handling personal information."                      |
| **Integrity**                                                                      | The accuracy and consistency of stored data, reflecting its trustworthiness.                                                                | "Data integrity is crucial to ensure that the information remains accurate and reliable over time."                                 |
| **Severity of the breach**                                                         | The extent of harm or damage caused by a security violation.                                                                                | "The severity of the breach was such that it required immediate and extensive remedial action."                                     |
| **Breach**                                                                         | An incident where data protected by security laws is exposed without authorization.                                                         | "If the breach involves personal data, the company must notify affected users and the regulatory authority within 72 hours."       |
| **Rectify the situation**                                                          | To correct or make something right.                                                                                                         | "The IT department took immediate steps to rectify the situation after the security breach."                                        |
| **Commit fraud**                                                                   | To engage in deceitful behavior, typically to gain something of value.                                                                      | "The breached data was used to commit fraud, leading to significant financial losses for several individuals."                      |
| **Proper processes in place**                                                      | Appropriate methods or procedures implemented to achieve a specific goal, often for safety or compliance.                                   | "The company put the proper processes in place to prevent a recurrence of the data leak."                                           |
| **Special category data**                                                          | Under GDPR, this refers to personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, or health information.    | "Of that stored information, what would you consider special category data, which requires additional protections?"               |
| **Spate of illegal activity**                                                      | A series of related unlawful actions that occur in a short period of time.                                                                  | "The spate of illegal activity in the area prompted increased surveillance measures."                                               |
| **Encrypt all sensitive data**                                                     | To encode data to protect its confidentiality and integrity, making it unreadable without authorized access.                                | "It's a best practice to encrypt all sensitive data to prevent unauthorized access in case of a security breach."                   |
| **Weekly mailer**                                                                  | A regular email sent out weekly containing news or marketing material.                                                                      | "Our weekly mailer includes updates on our latest projects and insights into the industry."                                         |
| **Audit**                                                                          | A formal inspection of an organization's accounts or data, typically by an independent body.                                                | "The annual audit will review how personal data is handled and if there are any breaches in compliance."                            |
| **Legitimate interest**                                                            | A legal basis under GDPR allowing organizations to process personal data when it is genuinely necessary for their operations.               | "Processing customer data for billing is considered a legitimate interest of the company."                                          |
| **Infringing on**                                                                  | Actively violating a law or right.                                                                                                          | "The collection of excessive personal data without consent is infringing on individuals' privacy rights."                           |
| **Interchangeably**                                                                | Used to describe terms or concepts that are often used in place of one another, though they may have distinct meanings.                     | "The terms 'diversity,' 'inclusion,' and 'equity' are often used interchangeably, but they actually mean different things."         |
| **Dignity of people**                                                              | The right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically.                                           | "Our organization ensures the dignity of people is maintained regardless of their background or challenges."                        |
| **Inclusive and equitable environment**                                            | A setting in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have equal access to opportunities and resources.                   | "The company strives to create an inclusive and equitable environment for all its employees."                                       |
| **Possible interpretations**                                  | Different ways something can be understood or explained.                                                               | "The poem's ending has several possible interpretations, each giving a different insight into the author's message."                  |
| **A disability resides in society**                           | Suggests that disability is a social construct, influenced by societal conditions rather than just a medical issue.    | "This theory posits that a disability resides in society's inability to accommodate differences."                                     |
| **Resides**                                                   | To exist or be situated within.                                                                                        | "The power to change the community resides within its members."                                                                     |
| **When it comes to**                                          | Referring to a specific topic or subject.                                                                              | "We all have our own unique perspective when it comes to politics."                                                                  |
| **A wide array of conditions**                                | A large variety of states or situations, often referring to health or environmental conditions.                         | "The clinic treats a wide array of conditions, from common colds to more complex diseases."                                           |
| **Interchangeably**                                           | Used in a manner where two or more elements can be exchanged without affecting the outcome or meaning.                  | "The terms 'happy' and 'joyous' are often used interchangeably in casual conversation."                                               |
| **Is anybody home??!!**                                       | A casual way of asking if anyone is present in a place, often shouted upon entering a house.                             | "He knocked on the door and shouted, 'Is anybody home??!!' hoping someone would answer."                                              |
| **I like this road for some reason.**                         | Expresses a vague or undefined preference for something.                                                               | "I like this road for some reason; maybe it's the beautiful trees along the sides."                                                  |
| **Whatever you do**                                           | An expression used to emphasize that the following advice should be considered regardless of the situation.              | "Whatever you do, make sure you double-check those figures before submitting the report."                                            |
| **It's only a matter of time**                                | Used to indicate that something is inevitable and will happen soon.                                                    | "It's only a matter of time before they realize the error and correct it."                                                           |
| **Got no future**                                             | A pessimistic outlook indicating that there are no positive prospects.                                                 | "He feels like he's got no future at his current job, so he's thinking about changing careers."                                       |
| **Wherever we're going**                                      | Indicates a journey or progress, the direction of which may be uncertain.                                              | "Wherever we're going, I hope it's somewhere warm and sunny."                                                                        |
| **It works**                                                  | Confirmation that something is functioning correctly or effectively.                                                   | "If you press that button, the machine starts—see, it works!"                                                                        |
| **Gotta Start Somewhere**                                     | Acknowledges that the beginning of a process or journey may be modest or small.                                        | "He's never painted before, but he's eager to learn. Gotta start somewhere, right?"                                                  |
| **My myopia**                                                 | Refers to the speaker's nearsightedness, either literally or metaphorically implying a limited perspective.             | "I missed the obvious solution, thanks to my myopia."                                                                                |
| **Something about that boy**                                  | Indicates there is a noticeable but indefinable quality about a person.                                                | "There's something about that boy; he has a charisma that you can't ignore."                                                         |
| **Back in time**                                              | Refers to going to a previous point in history, often used in stories involving time travel.                            | "The movie is about a scientist who invents a machine that allows him to go back in time to the medieval period."                     |






| English Expression                           | Explanation                                                                                   | Example Sentence                                                                       |
| **Sloppy**                                   | Careless and lacking in precision.                                                            | "His sloppy work resulted in numerous errors in the report."                           |
| **Slovenly**                                 | Messy and dirty in appearance or habits.                                                      | "He had a slovenly appearance, with unkempt hair and wrinkled clothes."                |
| **Loose**                                    | Not tightly fixed in place; relaxed or lax.                                                   | "The screws in the machine were loose, causing it to rattle."                          |
| **Messy**                                    | Untidy or disorganized.                                                                       | "Her desk was always messy, covered with papers and books."                            |
| **Heya**                                     | Informal greeting, variant of "hey" or "hello."                                               | "Heya! Long time no see!"                                                              |
| **Let me talk to them tomorrow and see where I get.** | Indicates a plan to speak with others to assess or advance a situation.                  | "I'm not sure what the decision will be, but let me talk to them tomorrow and see where I get." |
| **Thank you for taking your time.**          | Expression of gratitude for someone's deliberate effort or patience (usually "taking your time" is used differently; here it's likely intended to mean "Thank you for your time"). | "Thank you for taking your time to explain everything to me."                          |
| **This attachment is a revised file.**       | Notifies the recipient that the document or file has been updated or corrected.               | "Please find attached the revised file with the updated figures for your review."      |
| **Please check back later.**                 | Request for someone to follow up or return at a later time for more information or updates.   | "The results aren't ready yet, so please check back later this afternoon."             |



日本語と同じように英語を話す時もよく使ってしまうフレーズがある。例えば "So" "Yea" "After" など次の文との繋ぎ目などによく使ってしまう。













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