




  • 固定された記事


・ホリトクとは性別:男 年齢:28歳(1991年生まれ) 出身&育ち:東京 職業:①会社員(都内勤務)    ②Youtuber ホリトクチャンネル(2020年2月より始動) 血液型:O型 職種:営業職 学歴:四大卒 趣味:昨年まで⇒酒・旅行・映画鑑賞・散歩    今年から⇒英会話・英語勉強・読書・筋トレ 保有資格:販売士検定2級、英検準二級、日商簿記3級、      カラーコーディネーター2級、運転免許      フードスペシャリストorフードコーディネー

    • 3/9-13 英会話復習note Native Camp

      ・Contents of lessons・Adverbial Clause(Because / Since / As) ・Daily news: The Himalayan Mountain ・Five min discussion ・Adverbial Clauses(Even if / Unless / Once / as long as~) ・Phrases/Pronunciation/Sentence・Phrases 悔しい⇒be frustrated 骨を折る⇒

      • 2/27-3/8 英会話復習 NativeCamp

        ①Contents of the lesson・I wish I were ~ / I wish I Vp ~ (夢などについて話す) ・Topic talk / Lies ・so … that ~ / such … that ~(…なので~だ) ・Reflexive Pronoun(myself / your self / etc...) ・Topic talk / Photos ・Review on Lesson26-30 ・Would you mind ~ ing ?

        • 2/19-2/26 英会話復習note Native Camp

          ①Contents of the lesson・as ADVERB as ・more ADVERB than ・So Verb Subject.(So would I.) / Neither Verb Subject. (Neither do I.) ・Topic talk: Cigarette × 2 lessons ・If SV~, S will ・Topic talk: Friendship and romance ・If S Vp~, S would/ could

        • 固定された記事


          2/9-18 Native Camp 英会話復習note

          ①Contents of the lessonTopic talk: marriage when(clauses) may / might Topic talk: UFO will be able to as Adjective as / not as Adjective as ~ Topic talk: lottery Pronunciation ・Phraseshave a baby⇒子供を産む stung⇒刺すの過去形 esp.⇒ especially robbery

          2/9-18 Native Camp 英会話復習note

          2/4-2/8 Native Camp

          ①Contents of the lessonTopic talk: Work Noun phrase with (~ing) Noun phrase with prepositions Free talk: Drink Review on lessons 13-17 / Noun clauses ②Phrasesin-law⇒義理の pour⇒義理の nod⇒うなずく weird⇒奇妙な、変な deal with in your everyday life⇒毎日の生活で接

          2/4-2/8 Native Camp

          1/30-2/3 NativeCamp

          ①Contents of the lessonTopic talk : Gender equality Noun clause : what / where / why / when / who / how Noun clause : That's what / where / why / when / who / how Noun clauses : ~ that S V Pronunciation ②Phrasesin custody ⇒ 拘留中 daily life

          1/30-2/3 NativeCamp

          1/23-29 NativeCamp

          ①Contents of the lesson・Review on Relative clauses and more ・Topic talk: Ideal boss ・Noun clauses form ・Free talk - About the news ②Phrases・run into / 出くわす ・whereabouts / 行方・居場所 ・have a thing for~ / ~に気がある・特別な感情がある ・criminal / 犯罪者 ・subor

          1/23-29 NativeCamp

          1/22 Native Camp : Relative Pronoun "whose"

          The contents of the LessonMr. Johnson is the man whose wife had triplets. He is the man whose bank was robbed. Relative pronoun "whose" can be used talk about relation ships and connections that people and things have with other people and

          1/22 Native Camp : Relative Pronoun "whose"

          1/19-21 Native Camp

          ①Contents of the lesson・Relative clause ・Topic talk - Social Media Addiction ・Free talk - About the neighbors , supervisor , what I have done this week , current situation in Japan by COVID-19 ②Phrases ・deserving to be admired ⇒ 賞賛に値する ・bl

          1/19-21 Native Camp

          Topic talk:travel

          ・Contents of the lesson①Talking about my experience of travel ②Discuss with the teacher the country we want to go to and why we go to there. ・Phrases of the day ①World heritage site⇒世界遺産 例:Mt,Fuji is one of the World Heritage Site. ②Sev

          Topic talk:travel

          最近の英会話学習まとめ Native Camp 1/12~17

          Lesson①Review of lessons up to the last time ②Having pets ③have been ~ing ④Dieting and relapse ⑤the superlative adjective + noun + I have ever VPP ⑥used to ・Phrasesstray cat / stray dog ⇒ 野良猫/野良犬 punish ⇒ 罰する animal cruelty ⇒ 動物虐待 impriso

          最近の英会話学習まとめ Native Camp 1/12~17

          英会話note / Native Campに移行して

          ・Contents of recently lessons①Self introduction ②Talking about my experience ③Topic talk about colors ④~⑥Past participle ⑦Topic talk about having pets ・Phrases①Guess what. ⇒ちょっと聞いてよ。 ②Naturally ⇒当然 ③serious ⇒本気の、真面目な ・OthersまずNOVA⇒Nativ

          英会話note / Native Campに移行して

          None of them are damaged.

          ・Contents of the lessonA: Look. I got this set of Russian nesting dolls at the antique market. B: They're beautiful. A: Yeah, and none of them are damaged. B; Really? They must have been expensive , then. ・Practice A: All of them (are i

          None of them are damaged.

          a heads up / FYI / Just between you and me

          ・Contents of the lesson ①a heads up (前もって知らせる) 例1: Just a heads up , I might ask you to help me with my project next weekk. (訳:前もって知らせておくと、私は来週あなたにプロジェクトを手伝うようお願いするかもしれません。) 例2: Give me a heads up! (訳:前もって知らせて!) ②FYI ( for your informatio

          a heads up / FYI / Just between you and me

          ...to find a present for my dad.

          ・Contents of the lesson A: What are you doing tomorrow evening? B: I'm going the mall to find a present for my dad. A: You haven't gotten him anything yet? B: I have the same problem every Christmas. I never know what to get him. A: Wh

          ...to find a present for my dad.