Sometime, we should give up on what we decided.

Today, it was the first working day of 4 days in a row. I still have 3 more days to work. I do not want to do it. But, I have to earn money for what I like doing.
By the way , it was a quite smooth day today. I was scared because my colleagues usually say something to me after I would have done. Like, you forget something to do. You did it the wrong way. I was told something at the end of the day. But, it was kinda only one thing. I accidentally skipped a question from a customer. That is it. It is so odd. I can not believe it. Did I do anything right? I do not have any confidence in my work. Super scared.
After work, I went to the big bookstore and it is my favourite bookstore. because I need a textbook for the English exam. Also, the bookstore had discounted English books for 20%off. I was not going to buy any books today. But I found a book I'm super interested in. And, I was thinking which way I could get cheaper books, Amazon or this bookstore. Actually, the book there was cheaper than Amazon. So, why would I not get it? I bought the book and the textbook. Nevertheless, I will not sign up for it this time. Because I have so many things from now on. The photo exam, interviewing with my magerger and my senior colleague and setting up my new object for next quarter. I will take the TOEIC in December, 2023. Then, my aim is to score over 900 out of 990. Last year, I got 790???? My aim will be too much but I use english for work. So, it is not impossible????? I will make it possible anyway.
I will read a book and study a bit and go to sleep.
Have a lovely dream in your sleep.
