
Thoughts of Job theory

This is the 7th book introduction.




The reason innovation is so difficult to predict and sustain is that we have not asked the right questions.

Existing theories have failed to explain how to find new opportunities and markets well, so whether innovation happens or not has been left to luck.

However, there is a way of thinking that makes it possible to trigger innovation without relying on luck. It is the "job theory”.

1. The customer's goal is not the purchase of a product/service, but his/her own "progress.

2. To determine what the customer's "jobs to be put away" are, one must look deeply into not only the functional aspects but also the emotional and social impact.

3. To get a product/service "hired", there must be a reason to "fire" the previous one.

4. The brand should be developed solely around the "jobs to be done away with" that the customer has. Do not get caught up in categories.

Taken from the flier


I read this book when I was working in the Corporate Planning Department.

It was many years ago, but when I read it, I was shocked.

I remember that it cleared my mind.

I like a world where you can win if you put in the right effort, not by luck.