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Thoughts of 留魂録

This is the 10th book introduction. It's getting harder and harder to write a NOTE every day, and I don't feel like I'm growing for the effort, so I'll switch to strengthening my listening instead of writing. I will do both. AuthorShoin Y

Thoughts of LISTEN

This is the 9th book introduction. AuthorKate Murphy SummaryWe face communication barriers daily. I think, "Next time, I'll find a better way to say it," or "I'll find the right timing," or "I'll get that person to tell me what I want to

Thoughts of 人間はどこまで耐えられるのか

Day9 Starting today, I will change to an English-only diary. And I would like to follow NOTE's direction and write down my thoughts on the books I have read. Here are today's books. 人間はどこまで耐えられるのか How much can a human being endure? Aut

black and white

Today's top picture was created with Canva, Australia's first design creation tool. Easy and fun! A design is something ingenious to realize an aim. The aim is a term that refers to a realistic goal planned with an eye toward the objective

Start an English Diary

To improve my language skills, I decided to write a diary in English. Although I went on to study in the English department in high school and university, I had no contact with English after entering the workforce, and when I turned 30, I