
夢の長期留学inタイ🇹🇭 2 (My dream study abroad in Thailand 2 Eng ver below)

こんにちは Hello สวัสดีค่ะ





















タイって勝手に LGBTQIA+に優しい国だと思っていたけど、本当のところはどうなの?


























こんにちは สวัสดีค่ะ
I'm Hiyori, and I am studying abroad in Thailand!

I wrote this first article on the note after my first week in Thailand and having too much free time when I got COVID.  I hope you enjoyed it or, if you haven't read it yet, you will read it!

It's been a few months since I wrote this, so I thought I'd leave a quick note about some thoughts that have changed since I came to Thailand.

The first thing is about culture adoption in Thailand.

Through watching their series, I realized that Thailand is having a lot of culture adoption from China, Korea, Japan, Western countries and more.

I also found that the way they adopt culture is something I have never seen in my life. They adopt culture from other country or regions as it is. It appears in their daily conversation as well.
For example, they use “confirm” as “confirm” in Thai language.

I thought this is very interesting since the culture I was familiar loves to change other cultures to our own way.

I was partly wrong about the Thai cultural acceptance in Thailand, but it is also true from an academic point of view.

Of course, Japan has its own cultural acceptance, but I think how they accept the cultures of others is different between a continent and an island nation.

In terms of cultural acceptance in Thailand, it is difficult to say that they accept everything as it is, but in most cases, I have the impression that they accept the culture as it is, and if necessary, they make some arrangements from there.

In the first article, it is said that they add some minor arrangements, but there are some cases where they make up a culture that does not exist in Japan as if it were Japanese, and there are also some that are so arranged that they become something different, but there are also many that are accepted just as they are.

If you go out for Japanese food, Otoya, Yayoiken, and Gindako all have the same taste as you would get in Japan, and the quality of Sushiro is the same, if not a bit more expensive for Hokkaido residents.

The most important thing to remember is that Thailand has a long history of cultural acceptance that goes back to the Ayutthaya dynasty and even before that, and has a good mix of foreign and domestic cultures. I think it is not something I can talk about based on some knowledge I have acquired in my classes.
Thailand, as a country has been greatly influenced by the Pali and Sanskrit language and the introduction of Buddhism, which has made Thailand what it is today, and Chinese immigration and trade since the Ayutthaya Dynasty, has greatly influenced the mix of Chinese culture in Thailand.

As you can see from this history, I think that Thailand is a country where people are good at accepting culture.

On the other hand, I have been reconsidering the similarities between Japan and Thailand in areas that I thought were different from Japan before I came here.
For example, I thought that events such as eating KFC on Christmas Day, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc., especially those imported from overseas, might be strongly rooted in Japan as a business.

In Thailand, there is a culture of eating chicken on Chinese New Year's Day, KFC advertises its products accordingly, and companies have sales on Black Friday.

As for the language, I have not become fluent in Thai, but I will write down what I have learned in class.

For example, if something doesn't exist in Thai, or if it does exist but is challenging to use, it is sometimes used in English, as in the case of "confirm".

In addition, taboo topics such as "die" or "dead" are also used in daily conversation. Basketball is pronounced, "basket-bon" and golf is pronounced "gol-p" (Thai words tend to lose their endings, so they are pronounced like this).

Next up, sociology.

What about LGBTQIA+ rights in Thailand?
Is Thailand a truly LGBTQIA+ friendly country?
How about the impact of BL in Thailand?
How Japanese fans of BL get impacted by Thai BL series?
And more.

I decided to study abroad in Thailand because I had so many questions as stated above, but I have not been able to learn about gender academically. It is also true that there are many parts that are self-taught, because even if you take a class on gender when it comes to concepts and theories, the discussion is mainly Western, and it ends up not being related to Southeast Asia or about Thailand.

Some aspects of LGBTQIA+ rights in Thailand are said to be a challenge for legal development. Same-sex marriage and marriage rights for all are not legally granted in Thailand.

There is also the issue of LGBTQIA+ in the culture of wearing uniforms up to university, where LGBTQIA+ people are allowed to wear uniforms in accordance with their gender. However, even if a professor thinks it is fine to wear a uniform according to their gender during exams, the examiner may or may not approve of it.... etc. So there is no inherent system in the university.

I have also heard that the influence of BL is also a subject of debate among professors and students of the same generation who are more critical than anyone else, with some saying that Japanese works are more reflective of society and Thai works are fantasy.

One thing I can say, however, is that an Australian scholar whom I spoke with in Bangkok said,
"(Having BL/GL works are ) better than nothing."
I was very impressed by these words.
I personally think that there is value in it as long as it is there and does not cause any damage.

Lastly, about the challenging environment that I wanted.

I thought that my life goal and my problems after college could be solved in Thailand.
Life goal: to be able to use 5 languages
Wish: I want more challenges

My goal in life, of course, cannot be achieved at the age of 21, so of course I haven't achieved it yet.
Anyways, since coming to Thailand, I have been using/learning English, Thai, and Korean!

I use English mainly at university and at my internship, and to be honest, I don't feel that I have grown that much compared to before I came to Thailand since I used English more when I was in Japan, and I had a lot of classes and assignments.
I'm planning to take the TOEIC in Bangkok, but I don't think my score will improve…
I wonder when I will achieve my university goal of scoring 950 haha

As for Thai, I am learning at a language school while using it in my daily life, especially for shopping and eating out.
But I'm not that good at it.
I wonder how much I can improve in the next three and a half months.

And, I'm studying Korean on Coursera, which I paid a lot of money for!

I originally paid for Coursera in order to learn programming, but then I decided to try a new language and started speaking Korean.
I'm still not very good at it either, so I'm going to work on it soon.
By the way, I highly recommend Coursera since it has a lot of courses and they will provide you with certificates which are good for your CV!

At this moment, my beloved Italian has disappeared somewhere..
I may or may not learn it when I get back to Japan. Wish me luck, guys hehe

As for the issue that I want to challenge myself more, I'm doing too much!
When I wrote my first notebook in August, I had nothing to do except for classes and club activities, so I really had a lot of free time, and when I was in Japan, I was not bored in terms of schedule, but I felt bored.

However, as you can see from my last note, I've been busy and challenging myself in various ways, so my head is always full of things to do.

I'm leaving the internship for various reasons, but I'll be doing something new again, so I'll still be busy after all.
And the new challenge is more creative, so I have a feeling that my head will be having so many things again!

Then, my intense and ambiguous desire to "take on challenges" gradually changed, and now I want to take a break and pursue what I want to do.
Of course, I still want to do many things, and I don't think that will change no matter where I go on this planet.

However, I think it is because I have started to think that if I do something, it will be useful somewhere in the end unlike before when I tended to take actions driven by a sense of duty.

I think there are people in the world who think that the dots will connect and make a line. But I don't think so now.
My way of thinking is more like this: what can I connect out of so many dots to make a line?
So I think it's just fine to take action for now and be lucky to find a connection when I think about it later. Because I have been so caught up in my goals, I believe that it will not be a bad decision if I spend this year pursuing what I want to do and thinking about my career after this year.

In short, I think that my study abroad experience in Thailand was a great decision for me, including the cultural, academic, and personal challenges, as well as the things that did and did not work out as I had hoped.
I haven't finished it yet, but I personally think it's too good a place to study abroad! The only disadvantage is that there are too many Japanese people and sometimes I want to go to local places to escape from them.

Well, I haven't decided on the theme for the next issue yet.
I'm running out of things to write about, so someone please give me a story or I'll do my best to find something to write about!
See you on the 7th note!

