【意訳】Study: Medical Cannabis Use by Seniors Associated with Improved Quality of Life 勉学:シニア世代のマリファナ消費は生活の質の向上に関連性がある




The use of medical cannabis by those over the age of 60 is positively associated with self-reported improvements in subjects’ health-related quality of life (HRQL), according to data published in the journal Clinical Gerontologist.

60歳以上の人々による大麻消費は健康関連の生活の質の改善にポジティブな影響を与えることがjournal Clinical Gerontologist.で述べられていた。

A team of researchers affiliated with the University of Illinois and the University of Iowa surveyed seniors regarding their use of medical cannabis and self-reported outcome changes over a one-year period.


Investigators reported a “strong positive association” between subjects’ frequency of cannabis use and self-reported improvements in pain, health-care utilization, and overall health-related quality of life. Participants failed to report any statistically significant association between medical cannabis use and adverse events.


They concluded: “[We] identified a strong positive association between higher frequency of cannabis use and improvement to HRQL and HCU [health-care utilization] scores. … Our regression modeling also identified a strong positive relationship between higher frequency of cannabis use and self-reported improvements to pain symptoms. The positive relationship between near-daily use and improved reports offers further evidence of the perceived value of medical cannabis as a therapeutic approach for pain management.”


Commenting on the study, NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said: “These results are hardly surprising. Many seniors likely experimented first-hand with cannabis during their youth and are now returning to it as a potential therapy to mitigate many of the health-related symptoms that come with older age, including chronic pain. Many seniors are well aware of the litany of serious adverse side-effects associated with available prescription drugs, like opioids, and they perceive medical cannabis to be a viable alternative.”

NORML副ディレクターは “これらの結果は驚くことではなく、たくさんのシニア世代は彼らが若い時に大麻吸引を経験しているし、加齢による健康上の症状や慢性的な痛みを和らげるための一つの治療として回帰しているんだ。また同じくらい多くのシニアが処方される薬がオピオイド鎮痛剤のような重い副作用があると認識している。彼らは医療大麻がそれらに代わる代替可能な治療方法だと捉えている。” とコメントしている。

The study’s findings are similar to several others.


①finding that medical cannabis use by seniors is relatively safe and effective at mitigating pain and improving self-reported quality of life.

②Data published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine in 2019 reports that rates of marijuana use is climbing among those ages 65 and older.

The abstract of the study, “Assessing health-related outcomes of medical cannabis use among older persons: Findings from Colorado and Illinois,” appears online here.


