





The reasons why American liberalism can be said to be still in crisis despite Trump’s defeat in the election
The history of a tug-of-war between ideologies and morals in the United States

石川敬史 帝京大学教授
Takafumi Ishikawa, professor at Teikyo University

The presidential election of November 2020


It will take some more time until the results of the US presidential election of November 2020 are finalized. But I could say that its overall trend has been decided. Democrat Joe Biden is set to assume the 46th presidency of the United States winning the most votes out of any presidential candidate in US history.


Republican Donald Trump will take every possible means to resist, including legal action, but all his efforts will go down the drain. In addition, we will likely see one of the worst mudslinging matches in US history that could almost spell the death knell of American democracy in the process to the finalization of the election results. But that will eventually come to an end.


In the previous presidential election in 2016, many observers of America made wrong predictions, whereas their predictions turned out to be almost correct in the presidential election in 2020. What is important in this context is that analyses by election experts were excellent for both 2016 and 2020 and that they are “historical materials” for historians to refer to equally.


The presidential election is structurally so difficult to predict in terms of both system and American historical transition that it does not matter much to historians whether election experts’ predictions prove to be right or wrong. The outcome reveals itself naturally as time goes by. What matters to historians is the line of logic followed by the contemporary intellect to analyze the election outcome.


Meanwhile, some keywords in the history of thought were reexamined between 2016 and 2020—anti-intellectualism, populism, conservatism and liberalism (or the debate about the end of liberalism) in recent years. Although these are big words of mainly Western origins, they are commonly characterized by the fact that their definitions are unclear. In addition, I lumped the words together as “being of Western origins,” but their usage varies between the United States and Europe.


Now, I would like to confirm the usage of these big words in American history—with a particular focus on liberalism—from a broad point of view as the 2020 US presidential election is coming to an end. What this reveals to me is that the United States has two dimensions—ideologies and morals—and that American liberalism is still being tested despite Trump’s defeat in the last election.

Did America start from liberalism?


In Europe, a religious war called the Thirty Years’ War was fought between Catholics and Protestants between 1618 and 1648. Certainly, this war started as a religious war. But the length of thirties years is the equivalent of a generation. By the end of the war, its initial purpose had become uncertain and fighting the war had become a purpose itself. The territorial state system with unified territories that were being formed at that time amid the sharp activity of war became acute, which led to the formation of the governance structure and concept of absolute monarchism and state sovereignty.


Enlightenment thought is the trend of thought that was enabled by reflection on the religious war (conflict over justice) and a relatively stable society shaped by absolute monarchism. The most significant fruit of Enlightenment thought was liberalism.


Liberalism is the thought that emphasizes the common feature of human nature shared by every human being, precipitates individuals and places importance on the concept of individual rights in relation to an extremely pluralistic regional-based rule that characterized the medieval period for 900 years with kings and the aristocracy in strong power, innumerable customs that helped maintain the order of the rule and the system of law that is put together into feudal law and canon law. Individual rights are based on natural law that humans cannot shake arbitrarily, which leads to, for example, John Locke’s assertion that human beings have the natural rights to life, liberty, and property. This way of thinking is translated into ”jiyusyugi” in Japanese.


The basic story of ”The Liberal Tradition in America; an Interpretation of American Political Thought Since the Revolution” by Louis Hartz, a classic of American historiography, says that America is a society initiated by Europeans who settled in the wilderness without a tradition of the feudal system by liberalism and that liberalism, which was originally born as a counter thought to the feudal system, became absolute because it had no counter thought in the United States and became American conservatism.


That is, the book says that since liberalism became absolute, the idea of socialism did not take root in the United States and describes how leftist political claims that counter this conservative thought of liberalism also came to be given the strange name of “liberal.” According to Hartz’s historiography, Southern states with slavery becomes a particular object of examination as an American “exception.”


To write one thing can be made possible by giving up another. Thus, to describe something outside Hartz’s subjects does not mean damaging Hartz’s thesis. I hope that the readers will read this article basing the argument on this assumption. As a matter of fact, the United States started from the South. That is, the Virginia Colony, which became a major Southern colony in 1607, was the first permanent colony on the British North American continent.


In addition, it was about 160 years later from then that the state concept of America emerged. America as a regional concept was the pluralistic world of the Thirteen Colonies founded on the East Coast of the North American continent. These colonies were founded by a charter from the king of Great Britain during the period of absolute monarchism.


It was from the Declaration of Independence approved by the Continental Congress in 1776 that America as a state concept emerged. It is the following passage from the second paragraph that is the most famous part of the Declaration of Independence.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

ジョン・ロックによる『統治二論』の「第二論文」に展開される社会契約説の前提条件を要約したリベラリズムの主張が、「アメリカ」の産声となっている。ただし独立宣言の主語は、大陸会議に参集した13諸邦であって、未だアメリカ合衆国という名称は登場していない。アメリカ合衆国という名称が登場するのは、独立戦争の最中に採択され、1781年に全邦がようやく承認した連合規約の第1条に「連合の名称をアメリカ合衆国(the United States of America)とする」という文言が入った時である。

The claims of liberalism that summarize the preconditions for the theory of social contract developed in the Second Treatise of ”Two Treatises of Government” by John Locke marked the first cry of America. But the subject of the Declaration of Independence was the thirteen original states that assembled for the Continental Congress, and the name of the United States of America had yet to appear. It was when the sentence “The Stile of this confederacy shall be ‘The United States of America’” was included in Article I of the Articles of Confederation that was adopted during the American Revolutionary War and was finally approved by all the states in 1781 that the name of the United States of America first appeared.

しかし、このアメリカ合衆国と邦訳されているthe United States of Americaは、この段階では統一国家としての体をまったくなしていなかった。それはむしろ英語名称を直訳した「アメリカ連合諸邦」と呼ぶのがふさわしいものであった。アメリカ合衆国という国家が実質を持つようになったのは、1787年にアメリカ合衆国憲法が制定されて以降であろう。実はこの憲法もどさくさ紛れのうちに「建国の父たち」がいわば勝手に作ったものであり、もちろん13諸邦の足並みはまるで揃っていなかったが、その争いはここでは割愛する。

But the United States of America was far from a unified state at that time; it was more of the “American Confederation of States.” I should say that it was after the Constitution of the United States was established in 1787 that the United States of America got substance as a state. Actually, this constitution can be said to have been established by the Founding Fathers as they liked taking advantage of the confusion. Of course, the thirteen states were in total disarray, but let me skip the explanation of that disunity in this context.


What I would like to turn the readers’ attention to is that the United States of America, which “started from liberalism,” was a political entity unexperienced to the American people that suddenly appeared in about 180 years of history, quite a long time, since settlement, including from the confrontation with Great Britain to the American Revolutionary War. It was something different from a historical experience of the American people.

