
Amy's Case


AMY (24) and MASA (30) stand in front of the house. They are holding their guns.

AMY (V.O.) We got information leading to the arrest of the serial killer we were looking for.
MASA: Are you ready, Amy?
AMY: Of course. This time, You got the information because of me. So, I’m gonna arrest him. Back me up!
MASA: I can’t promise you.
AMY: You must do it. I’ll count, right? 

Masa nods.

AMY: Three, two, one...go!
AMY opens the door. AMY enters the house. After that, Masa enters.
AMY: Don’t move!
MASA: Freeze!!

 ELLIOT (30) stands in front of them.

AMY (V.O.): It was easy to find him because he was standing in front of us.
AMY: You’re under arrest for murder!
AMY (V.O.): He was smiling. I thought he smiled when he saw me.
ELLIOT: I know.


ALFRED (40) talks to Masa at his desk. Amy comes there.

AMY: Alfred! Why should I be left out of the investigation? I got the information, I arrested him! So, I should question him!
ALFRED: You know. Masa is a competent investigator. He has solved many crimes. We're in good hands with him.
AMY: But, I arrested him.
ALFRED: It doesn’t matter who arrested him. I decide to pick the best person for the job!
AMY: But, why are you taking me off the case?
ALFRED: You know. This isn’t the only case we have. Every day, crimes are committed in this city. That case is finished for you. You have something new to investigate. People in this city are waiting for you to help them. Go ahead!.
MASA: Amy, don’t worry. I will do it.
AMY (V.O.): I couldn’t say anything. I only went outside to start the new case. I thought it was gender discrimination. Because I am a woman. It’s not related to ability. He isn’t smart. He always follows me. I’m more competent than him. That’s what I thought till I got a phone call.


Amy and MARIA (25) sit at the bar. They are drinking some cocktails. AMY is drunk.

AMY: Why does he do it?! What do you think?
MARIA: I know. It’s unfair.
AMY: That’s right! They took credit for what I did. They are preventing me from advancing in my career.
MARIA: But, you didn’t do anything to get credit for?
AMY: Me?
MARIA: Yes, actually, you don’t deserve the credit. You simply got the tips and followed them.
AMY: Yes.
MARIA: Do you know who sent them to you?
AMY: No, not yet.
MARIA: I think they should get the credit. They got the information. I’m not sure how they got it. I want to know. Maybe they are close to the criminal. But, if they have the ability for investigation, I want them to join our team. I think it’s good for you. 
AMY: Me? Why?
MARIA: Your sister. Maybe they can find out how she went missing.
AMY: No, I’ll find her by myself. I’m not gonna get help from anyone. That case is mine.
MARIA: We are not all alone. If someone offers to help you, you should take it. I think.

Amy’s phone rings.

AMY: Hello. What! I’m coming now!


Amy rushes into the police station. Alfred and Masa are talking.

AMY: Alfred! Did he ask to talk to me?
ALFRED: Ah, yes. Masa couldn’t get a word out of him. That guy wouldn’t talk to anybody.
MASA: Sorry. I made a mistake in the way I talked to him.
ALFRED: And, he demanded that we call you. He is not going to talk to anyone except you.
AMY: No problem. I’ll get everything from him.
ALFRED: You don’t need to get anything from him. After you start him speaking, we’ll come in and get the information we need. Your task is to make him open his mouth. Don’t ask about anything.


Amy enters the interview room. There is a table which Elliot is sitting at.

AMY (V.O.): He was sitting at the table and wearing a white dress shirt. He looked like an interviewer.
AMY: Good evening.
Amy sits across from him.
AMY: I’m Amy. Did you ask to speak with me? Can I ask you why?
AMY (V.O.): He was silent.
AMY: Okay. Could you please talk to me about what you did? We want to know about you.
ELLIOT: I know you.
AMY: (beat) I see, you know me. Is that the reason you called me here?ELLIOT: You’re Amy.
AMY: Right. So, do you remember the first victim?
ELLIOT: You’re 24 years old and grew up in Northern California. You have a father and mother. And you had a sister. When you were a child, you didn’t like your sister. She was always better than you: at school, cooking, more friends, more beautiful. You were alone. You couldn’t win against her. You wished she would just disappear.
AMY: What are you talking about?
ELLIOT: Your hairstyle is unique, isn’t it? I know why you wear your hair like that.
AMY: What?
ELLIOT: You wear your hair up on the left side. You’re using your sister’s old bobby pins. They’re your memento of her.
AMY: She isn’t dead!
ELLIOT: Ah, you’re right. She is alive in your mind. You wear your hair down on the right side. That’s how you hide the scar on your forehead.
AMY: How do you know?...
ELLIOT: I wanted to meet you. So, I sent you some messages to help you find me. I have a message to give you from your sister.
AMY (V.O.): He put the bobby pin on the table.
ELLIOT: I found her buried under the ground. We're two of a kind.
AMY (V.O.): I couldn’t say anything.

