
Let’s Talk about from Now On

For the long time, it is said that “The basis of a diet is calorie restriction!” However, there have been recently popped up and told from carbohydrate restriction world saying “Nope, the calorie myth is already collapsed!” It’s confusing, isn’t it?
So let’s talk about it!

Calorie myth isn’t the case that collapsed
I don’t mean to say that “Calorie myth is very collapsed so eat as much as you want!”

It is based on first law of thermodynamics about <The more you reduce calorie, the thinner you will be> you can’t disappear or make calorie so if you intake more calorie then you need to consume it by metabolism or exercise however, it will remain in your body as mostly a fat.

Simply to say that “The more you eat, the more you gain a weight” it’s impossible to deny for physical law so the fact above also can’t be denied.

Calorie absorption from foods is changing hugely in a body
Basically when you decide amount of calorie per foods, you need to use a device called bomb calorimeter. It burns any foods in the device with water inside it and calculates how much water temperature go up.

It’s fine to calculate calorie amount but as for human, it’s impossible to know if it’s effective calorie for human or not. For example...
* It depends on how you cook, with boiling , baking, or frying and so on as you know there are so many ways to cook. Let’s say, the differences between raw cabbage and boiled cabbage, the latter is more easily digested so it is absorbed in a body smoothly. Even you consume the same amount of cabbage but you intake more calorie from boiled one.
* Protein takes more time to digest than carbohydrate so compared to consumptions you take, the less intaking calorie amount.
* Type of toxic food like beans makes body use its power to digest and detox, to that extent, it reduces consumed calorie.
* 2010 article showed that whole food meal, which is hard to increase glucose level is nearly 50% increasing calorie expenditure than normal food.

Much more to say that human body’s reaction to calorie is so complicated like it depends on heredity and environment in intestinal bacteria, change calorie absorption ratio. Calorie amount is huge dependent on even tiny different.

Human body is not calculator
It’s significantly important to know so let me tell you again that <myth of calorie> is absolute true story. On the other hand, a countermeasure of “lets reduce daily diet or let’s do exercise more often” don’t resolve many other problems. For example...
* Why there is a person who eats as much as they like but doesn’t gain a weight?
* Why a person who even is on a diet but doesn’t succeed to reduce a weight?
* First of all, why it is so hard succeeding on a diet?

That is why I say human body is not calculator apparently.

So anything more to be invoked without calorie?
* Set point in brain which is about the structure that the brain set back its body weight to normal automatically.
* Hormone balance such as insulin, leptin, and T3 etc
* Quality of calorie like amount of nutrients and how your digestive system performing.
* Problem on mental conditions like overeating because of stress and addiction to sugar.

Those are a representatives and make it simply to say “There are many reasons to be fat or obesity” it’s super simple story. When you put them together...

Hormone! Hormone! Hormone!
Recent diet world take a trend for “Carbohydrate is our enemy! Carbohydrate is the most causal relationship with obesity!” However, carbohydrate is not a villain in my vision.



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