
Written in English

I mainly use DeepL.


A Preliminary Examination of the Concept of “Object”: From G. H. Mead to Gendl…

In the early 1980s, Gendlin began a preliminary examination of what an “object” is to …

Pragmatistic origins of Gendlin’s en#0: with reference to Dewey and Mead

In “A process model,” en#0 is mentioned less often than en#2 and en#3. Nevertheless, i…

Retroactive time: Bergson as a precursor of Gendlin

In both his psychotherapeutic and philosophical writings, Gendlin discussed a unique the…

Why is Gendlin’s philosophy less widely accepted in academic philosophy?

“Why is Gendlin’s philosophy less widely accepted in academic philosophy?” This ques…

Reviewing Prior Studies

It seems that people who are not part of the academic world do not realize how important…

“Reflective listening” without necessarily “empathic understanding”

I shared some listening practice sessions with a therapist trained in the orthodox perso…

Gendlin’s position against the “unit model” or the “content paradigm”: retroactive time in terms of G. H. Mead’s theory of time

Gendlin’s idea that living processes cannot be predicted in advance leads to another important idea: the past is reviewed “ex post facto” from the present perspective. However, we tend to fall prey to the illusion that elements that should

Collection of links: On “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning” (Gendlin, 1…

Position of ECM in the writings of GendlinCatherine Torpey wrote about “Experiencing an…

Gendlin's View on “Gut Feelings”

Gendlin, the founder of Focusing, emphasizes the senses felt in the body. If so, does he…

Entitizing and Universalizing

Chapter V of “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning (ECM)” (Gendlin, 1962/1997) con…

Listening to “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in a Focusing-Oriente…

In Focusing workshops, to help participants understand “getting a handle” and “resona…

Very old (“primitive”) sequences in dreams and with hypnosis

In his various writings, Eugene Gendlin discusses the differences between “dreaming/hyp…

Two videos temporarily available from last year’s Gendlin Symposium

The following article appeared on the website of the International Focusing Institute on…

Collection of Links: Dilthey and Gendlin

I have written five blog posts about how Dilthey influenced Gendlin. Therefore, I have created a link collection. Summary and Table of Contents of My Paper on Dilthey and Gendlin Dilthey's influence on Gendlin's research study Anthology: