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These are official merchandise planned by the museum that owns “The Great Wave …

Listening to “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in a Focusing-Oriente…

In Focusing workshops, to help participants understand “getting a handle” and “resona…

Very old (“primitive”) sequences in dreams and with hypnosis

In “Chapter VI-B: The Development of Behavior Space” of “A Process Model (APM)” (Gen…

Two videos temporarily available from last year’s Gendlin Symposium

The following article appeared on the website of the International Focusing Institute on…

Collection of Links: Dilthey and Gendlin

I have written five blog posts about how Dilthey influenced Gendlin. Therefore, I have c…

Gendlin’s “focaling” and Dilthey’s “purposiveness”

In “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), the term “focaling” is often used, which…

Collection of links: North American Philosophical Roots of “A Process Model” (Gendlin, 2018)

Three North American philosophers who preceded GendlinIn “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), various philosophers who preceded Gendlin are mentioned, either directly or indirectly. In ancient philosophy, Plato and Aristotle are mentio

Focusing differs from hypnosis

“Look at my fingertips. Yes, yes, yes. And your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier…

Emotion and felt sense

Gendlin’s distinction between emotion and felt sense (direct referent) became increasin…

Gendlin’s writings that prepared “A Process Model”

There are two types of Gendlin's writings related to “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin,…

Dewey’s “transaction” and Gendlin’s “interaction first”

In “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), Gendlin discusses the “interaction of bod…

Dewey's position towards the “spectator” and Gendlin's position towards the "i…

Gendlin wrote a paper on physics with its expert in 1983. In it, the modern quantum theo…

“Reversal” and the History of Metaphor Theory

In “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), the ideas formulated in “Experiencing and…

History of Chapters II and I Use of the Term "Implying" in "A Process Model": Genealogy from Classical Pragmatism

The basic term "implying" is used in "A Process Model (APM)" (Gendlin, 2018). The term was first used in his earlier published papers (Gendlin, 1973a; 1973b). It is my view at this stage that the various uses of "implying" developed along t