
Written in English

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Collection of Links: Dilthey and Gendlin

I have written five blog posts about how Dilthey influenced Gendlin. Therefore, I have c…

Two Pasts

I have recaptured Gendlin's early research study (Gendlin et al., 1960) and theoretical …

Comparing Felt Sense to Cotton Candy

People learning Focusing often ask me, “Is ‘felt sense’ the same as ‘experiencing’?…

Vague image of “experiencing”: with reference to W. James and H. Bergson

It is undoubtedly true that Gendlin's key term “experiencing” was proposed under the i…

Anthology: Dilthey as a Precursor of Gendlin

I often quoted from the German Dilthey Collected Works, Volume 7, in my paper “A biblio…

Prof. Naohiko Mimura, who taught me Gendlin's philosophy

As well as Donata Schoeller, Naohiko Mimura is one of the keynote lecturers in the follo…

Summary and table of contents of my doctoral dissertation

I wrote my doctoral dissertation in 2018 in Japanese: Hideo Tanaka (2018). The early days of Focusing and the theory of experiencing: studies on the background of how focusing was formed and practiced. Doctoral Dissertation, Kansai Univers

Gendlin’s theory and research prior to the Wisconsin Project as a graduate stud…

I wrote a (two-part) paper in Japanese 20 years ago about the theory and research that E…