
Chick Corea Workshop /チック・コリア・ワークショップ(2020.3.20-)


R.I.P. Armando Anthony “Chick” Corea (June 12, 1941 – February 9, 2021)
COVID-19感染拡大の下で、2020年の3月20日から約40回にわたりスタジオからのインタラクティヴなライヴ配信を続け、その先にThe Chick Corea Academy(有料)を立ち上げました。そのワークショプ動画(無料公開)のリンクを可能な限りまとめました。「Cheap but good advice for playing music in a group」 も付けましたのでぜひご一読ください。 

Day 1 Hello Everybody...It's Chick Corea (March 20) 
Day 2 Hello again..It's me Chick (March 21)
Day 3 Day 3. Hi Chick here - night 3! 
Day 4 Ok. Come on in and join me for a practice session.
Day 5 Ok. Let’s go >>>
Day 6 Welcome to today’s Chick Workshop
Day 7 - Live..Thanks mucho for all your comments! Welcome to Chick’s Workshop.
Day 8 - Live...
Day 9 Hello again - it’s Day 9...
Day 10 We create the future. / Welcome to Day 10 of my piano...
Day 11 Welcome to Day 11 of...
Day 13 Good afternoon, good evening, good morning - good Everything!...
Day 14 Helllooo (April 2)
DAY 15 — here we go..WE..(April 3)
Day 16 Welcome to Day 16..(April 4)
Day 17 - WELCOME to my piano practice Workshop Chick.(April 4)
Day 18 Welcome to my Right-side-up Workshop Chick(April 6) 
Day 19 - It’s a work in progress. Welcome to my Daily Workshop Chick.(April 7) 
Day 20 - You’re all welcome to my workshop. Chick(April 8) 
小曽根真さんがWelcome to Our Living Room〜53夜連続の自宅からのピアノソロ配信〜を始めたのが2020年4月9日でした。
Day 21 - Welcome to Day 21(April 10) (YouTube)
Day 22 - A lot more to do. Just skimming the surface. But with a purpose.
Day 23 - Hey you all Day 23 - launch time for my WORK IN PROGRESS (April 11)
Day 24 - Welcome to Day 24 of my Piano Workshop - Today’s practice session is dedicated to my long time friend and brother Herbie Hancock! It’s his birthday today happy birthday Herbie! And happy Easter to all!
Day 25 - FUTURE 13 Apr 20 Welcome - Here we go – let’s see what happens (April 13)
Day 26 - welcome to my Dream Stream workshop I’ve got some “work” to do.  (April 15)
Day 27 - It's the Dream Stream piano practice workshop
Day 28 - 16 Apr 20 WELCOME to my Dream Stream Workshop (April 16)
Day 29 - 17 Apr 20 a new Chapter. It’s a work in progress! Thanks for joining me. Here we go (April 17)
Day 30 - Welcome to day 30 my friends. Glad to be back online with you! Chick’s Work in Progress continues. Here we go (April 30)
Day 31 - Welcome to DAY 31 of Chick’s Live Workshop and the launch of the CC Academy (May 8)
Day 32 Welcome to my Internet experiment Chick  (May 15)
Day 33 (Not found)
Day 34 - Welcome to my live Saturday Workshop (June 6)
Day 35 - Hello again welcome to date 35 of Chicks workshop (August 20)
Hello All - welcome to Chick’s live practice workshop (August 21)

Flamenco Harmony and Scales

 ●Cheap but good advice for playing music in a group / Chick Corea 
(at Berklee College of Music on April 22, 1985)
1. Play only what you hear.
2. If you don’t hear anything, don’t play anything.
3. Don’t let your fingers and limbs wander — place them intentionally.
4. Don’t improvise on endlessly — play something with intention, develop it or not, but then end off, take a break.
5. Leave space — create space — intentionally create places where you don’t play.
6. Make your sound blend. Listen to your sound and adjust it to the rest of the band and the room.
7. If you play more than one instrument at a time — like a drum kit or multiple keyboards — make sure that they are balanced with one another.
8. Don’t make any of your music mechanically or just through patterns of habit. Create each sound, phrase, and piece with choice — deliberately.
9. Guide your choice of what to play by what you like-not by what someone else will think.
10. Use contrast and balance the elements: high/low, fast/slow, loud/soft, tense/relaxed, dense/sparse.
11. Play to make the other musicians sound good. Play things that will make the overall music sound good.
12. Play with a relaxed body. Always release whatever tension you create.
13. Create space — begin, develop, and end phrases with intention.
14. Never beat or pound your instrument — play it easily and gracefully.
15. Create space — then place something in it.
16. Use mimicry sparsely — mostly create phrases that contrast with and develop the phrases of the other players.



“I want to thank all of those along my journey who have helped keep the music fires burning bright. It is my hope that those who have an inkling to play, write, perform or otherwise, do so. If not for yourself then for the rest of us. It’s not only that the world needs more artists, it’s also just a lot of fun.”

“And to my amazing musician friends who have been like family to me as long as I’ve known you: It has been a blessing and an honor learning from and playing with all of you. My mission has always been to bring the joy of creating anywhere I could, and to have done so with all the artists that I admire so dearly—this has been the richness of my life.”

Chick Corea
