Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

•Yesterday was typing examination day and I took it. It wasn’t difficult so I think I did a good job. After the exam we learned elementary how to use word and made documents. Usually I take a shower after eat dinner but I didn’t yesterday because I was setting  account of WISE, which is the application for sending and receiving money in any country and was talking to my mom on the phone so it was very late and around after midnight when all of them finished so that I took a shower in the morning today. When I don’t take a shower in the morning, I typically do my morning routine like brushing my teeth, wash my face and so on so I am sleepy until around lunch time. However today I took a shower with hot and cold water so I have been awake since this morning. I am considering whether I add it to my morning routine.

•Yesterday was the day of the typing examination, and I took it. It wasn't too difficult, so I think I did a good job. After the exam, we learned the basics of using Microsoft Word and creating documents. Normally, I take a shower after having dinner, but I didn't do it yesterday because I was setting up my WISE account. WISE is an application for sending and receiving money internationally. I was also talking to my mom on the phone, so it got pretty late. I ended up taking a shower this morning instead. When I don't take a shower in the morning, I usually go through my morning routine like brushing my teeth, washing my face, and so on. As a result, I tend to feel sleepy until around lunchtime. However, today I took a shower using both hot and cold water, which really woke me up. I'm actually thinking about adding this to my morning routine now.

•basics 基本の
•normally 普通は
•set up  設定する
•internationally 国際間で
•pretty とても
•instead 副詞 代わりに
•go through 完了する
•tend to do  doしがち
•both A and B AとBどちらも
•,which ~ 関係代名詞の継続用法
