Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

•I had had a terrible headache since I woke up in the morning. I was too in bad condition to continue my study so I ended up doing nothing about my usual routine. I took a nap after had lunch but I didn’t get better and it took me a long time to recover.

•Even though yesterday was meant to be an examination day for sure, our teacher told us to practice typing more a day so we are going to take the examination today after all.

•During the classes, we just practiced typing keeping silent so we thought we was able to practice it at each our house and also we didn’t need to go to school.

•On a break, one of my classmates who is from Colombia talked to me after he realized that I wore Billie Eilish t-shirt. He is a big fan of her and asked me of I liked her but I liked her when I was in college and now not so much, I answered to him. From that time we kept the conversation going more and more so we had a good time.


• I had a terrible headache since I woke up in the morning. I was in such bad condition that I couldn't continue my studies, so I ended up not doing anything from my usual routine. I took a nap after lunch, but I didn't feel any better, and it took me a long time to recover.

• Even though yesterday was originally planned as an examination day, our teacher instructed us to practice typing for an extra day, so we are going to take the examination today after all.

• Throughout the classes, we silently practiced typing, thinking that we could do the same practice at our respective homes and avoid coming to school.

• During a break, one of my classmates from Colombia approached me after noticing that I was wearing a Billie Eilish t-shirt. He's a big fan of hers and asked if I liked her too, but I mentioned that I used to like her when I was in college and not so much now. From that point, our conversation continued and we had a great time chatting.

•originally もともと

•instruct 人to do 人に to do を指示する

•throughout 前置詞 〜の間を通してずっと

•silently 副詞 音もなく

•respective 形容詞 それぞれの

•avoid doing 〜を避ける

•approach = talk to

•mention that that以下を言う

•from that point そこから

•chat 動詞 おしゃべりする 雑談する
