
Can generative AI do aesthetics?

[PDF] Sakiya Arakawa, 'Can generative AI do aesthetics?', researchmap.

Can generative AI do aesthetics?

     Can generative AI do aesthetics? This question can be rephrased as: Does generative AI have the conditions for aesthetics? At least humans are considered to have the conditions for aesthetics, since it was humans themselves who invented the concept of "aesthetics".
     On the contrary, is there an "aesthetics" that is beyond human comprehension? For example, is there an aesthetics for a generative AI or for a transcendent God that is beyond human comprehension?
     For humans and generative AI, or humans and God, to be able to understand each other's unique aesthetics, both must have a common sense. The world is made up of waves on one level, and the frequency range of sound and the bandwidth of visible light recognizable to humans is not equivalent to the range recognizable to other beings. Thus, there can be a resulting difference between the aesthetics inherent to humans and those inherent to other beings. By the same token, aesthetics for humans may not be the same as aesthetics for generative AI.

"Aesthetics" for ChatGPT

     What is "aesthetics"? We would like to ask ChatGPT, a representative of generative AI, about it.

––What is aesthetics?

ChatGPT:  Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, as well as the creation and appreciation of beauty. It explores how people perceive and experience art, what makes something beautiful or pleasing, and the emotional and intellectual responses that arise from engaging with art and beauty. Aesthetics covers a wide range of topics, including the interpretation of art, the relationship between art and society, and the criteria used to judge artistic value.

––What is the nature of beauty?

ChatGPT:  The nature of beauty is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been explored by philosophers, artists, and scientists for centuries. Some key aspects of the nature of beauty include:

1. Subjectivity vs. Objectivity:
Subjective Beauty: Beauty is often seen as subjective, meaning it is based on personal preferences and individual experiences. What one person finds beautiful, another might not.
Objective Beauty: Some argue that beauty has objective qualities that can be universally recognized, such as symmetry, harmony, and proportion.

2. Cultural Influence: Beauty standards and ideals can vary greatly between cultures and historical periods. What is considered beautiful in one culture or era may not be in another.

3. Biological and Evolutionary Factors: Certain aspects of beauty are believed to have evolutionary roots. For example, symmetrical features are often seen as more attractive because they can be indicators of health and genetic fitness.

4. Aesthetic Principles: Elements such as balance, harmony, contrast, and unity are often associated with beauty in art and design. These principles can influence our perception of what is beautiful.

5. Emotional Response: Beauty often evokes emotional reactions, such as pleasure, awe, or tranquility. This emotional response is a key component of how we experience and appreciate beauty.

6. Philosophical Theories:
Classical Theories: Ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle linked beauty to order, proportion, and harmony.
Modern Theories: Contemporary thinkers may focus on beauty's role in human experience and its relationship to truth and goodness.

7. Context and Experience: The context in which something is experienced can influence its perceived beauty. Personal experiences, memories, and associations can all impact how we perceive beauty.
Overall, the nature of beauty is seen as a blend of subjective experiences, cultural contexts, and possibly objective qualities, making it a rich and nuanced topic in aesthetics.

––What is "aesthetics" for you?

ChatGPT: As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or feelings, but I can explain aesthetics based on information and concepts I've been trained on.

Aesthetics, for me, represents a fascinating domain that encompasses the study and appreciation of beauty, art, and taste. It involves exploring how humans perceive and experience beauty in various forms—visual art, music, literature, nature, and more. Aesthetics also examines the principles and criteria used to evaluate what is considered beautiful or artistically valuable.

In essence, aesthetics is about understanding the nature of sensory and emotional responses to art and beauty, the cultural and philosophical contexts that shape these responses, and the intellectual frameworks that have been developed to analyze and interpret artistic expressions. It's a field that combines elements of philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, and art criticism to provide a deeper comprehension of human creativity and the ways in which we engage with and appreciate the world around us.

(Sakiya Arakawa, 'Can generative AI do aesthetics?', ChatGPT, 2024/7/17)

I asked ChatGPT first, "What is aesthetics?" and finally, "What is "aesthetics" for you?" The two questions are not similar. The first question asks about general knowledge of "aesthetics", while the last question asks about a particular "aesthetics" as seen from the viewpoint of a "generative AI = ChatGPT", for you.
     Aesthetics for generative AI is different from aesthetics for humans. If they both refer to the same situation, then there is no distinction between humans and generative AI. If generative AI can do aesthetics, we would expect it to produce different results from human aesthetics.
     However, the answers that humans expect from the generative AI by asking it questions are not the answers that the generative AI itself has thought up or that are useful to it. They are merely expressions of general trends based on large language model (LLM).

Can generative AI have a fictive Person?

     If generative AI can do aesthetics, then it may be necessary to admit one person to generative AI. However, it is not easy to grant a fictive person to generative AI. This is because the rights that can be exercised by generative AI as a person can only be assumed to be limited at best. For example, if generative AI were recognised as a person, could it be obliged to pay taxes as the head of the household, or would it be able to apply for health coverage to manage its own health risks? These matters may seem like silly ideas, but are they really not worth considering?
