
2023 Import-Export Tariffs in China, China Briefing, Dec. 30, 2022.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on the White House’s New China Tariffs, Foreign Policy Live, May 17, 2024.

Thirty years of trade growth and poverty reduction, WTO blog, Apr. 24, 2024.

U.S. Tariff Policy: Overview, IN FOCUS(IF11030), CRS, Feb. 28, 2023.

State Council Announces the Tenth List of US Goods Granted the Extension of Exclusion from the Additional Tariffs, 国务院关税税则委员会关于对美加征关税商品第十次排除延期清单的公告, AmCham China, Feb. 22, 2023.

USCBC Comments on Four-Year Review of Actions Taken in the Section 301 Investigation, USCBC, January 17, 2023.