
本日の一曲 vol.80 リゲティ ロンターノ (György Ligeti: Lontano, 1967)

vocalconsort initium ; 7th concert ──ひびきとことばのまんなかで #いにちうむ

Chacott 23/01/23 | K-BALLET Opto "Plastic": ambitious works by A. Silvestrin and Rei Watanabe sound the alarm on environmental destruction (Kei Kazuki)

Dance Magazine - April 2023 | A Valid Question for the Japanese Dance World (Takao Norikoshi)

Yomiuri Newspaper 23/01/24 | Commentary on Plastic (K-Ballet Opto)

Asahi Newspaper 23/01/19 | K-Ballet Dances Social Issues

【music】 Hannigan & GSO - LIGETI -Mysteries of the Macabre