
The relationship between sense of coherence and mental health problems from childhood to young adulthood: A meta-analysis

When Bright Kids Become Disillusioned

Why Gifted Children Suffer From Existential Depression

Is It OK to Call a Child "Gifted?"

Gifted Education International

15 Things Your Child With Emotional Overexcitability Might Say

The search for meaning in the life of the gifted

ギフテッドの痛みの問題 Problem of Pain

Understanding The Link Between Empathy And Anxiety In Gifted Children

ドンブロフスキの理論とギフテッドの大人と子どもにおける実存的うつ Dabrowski’s Theory and Existential Depression in Gifted Children and Adults

Existential Depression in Gifted Individuals

積極的分離論 1964 Positive Disintegration

Gifted Unlimited, LLC

Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care

Third Factor In Dąbrowski's Work

Common Challenges For Bright Children

Books for Gifted Children 2

Gifted Children and Adults — Why Are They So Misunderstood?

When Perfectionism, Anxiety, Empathy, and Expectations Collide — Gifted in Portugal

When Humans Keep Letting You Down