
A book summery 2 "Charlotte's Web"

A few months ago, I read a book titled Charlotte's Web written by E.B. White. I love the story, so let me share the summery.

This is a story about a friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. Wilbur was born in a very small size. The farmer thought it would never amount to anything, and he decided to kill the pig. However, the farmer's daughter named Fern stopped him calming that to kill a pig just because it was small at birth was the most terrible case of injustice she ever head of.  The farmer reconsidered to kill him and gave up. He gave Fern the pig to raise. Since then, she had been taking great care of him and she named the pig Wilbur. 

Fern loved Wilber more than anything. A few months had passed, Wilbur became too big to raise at the farmer's home. They couldn't afford feeding Wilbur any more. Fern was forced to sell him to her uncle whose barn was filled with animals.

At first, Wilbur had no friends in the barn cellar. He tried to make friends with other animals but they didn't have any interest in him. He felt lonely. This was where a beautiful and clever spider came in. It was Charlotte. She liked him and  talked to him. Wilbur was so happy that they became good friends.

One day, a sheep said that the farmers were fattening Wilbur up because they were going to kill and turn him into smoked bacon and ham. He cried a lot because he didn't want to die. Charlotte promised to help him upon hearing him crying. She thought for days how to save his life and a great idea came up. She wrote the words "SOME PIG" in the center of her web. The farmers read it and they were terrified. They stared and stared for a long time at Wilbur and Charlotte. They regarded Wilbur as a special creature and they attended to him with great care. Charlotte was successful in saving Wilbur.

The farmers took Wilbur to the country fair. He couldn't win the first prize, but Charlotte spun the note which said "HUMBLE" in her web that collected much attentions from the audience and he won a special prize. It made his survival secured.

After leaving her last note, Charlotte laid hundreds of eggs and died. Wilbur took the eggs home and kept a watchful eye on them. Although most of the baby spiders left the barn, three of them remained. They repeated this lifecycle every year, so he was never without friends. They and subsequent generations of Charlotte's off spring continued to comfort Wilbur for many years to come.

This is the end of the story.

The most impressive scene for me was that Wilbur gazed at the place where Charlotte's web used to be thinking of her.
