
Imitative Poem 1: Spenser / スペンサー風英詩

約4年前に書いた、エドマンド・スペンサー(Edmund Spenser)風のソネットがパソコンに残っていたので、なんとなく投稿してみます。

You brightly shine in this dark world, my love,
As stars do in the distant sky at night.

The winding path which leads to one true love
Is lightened up by your virtue outright.

But you are called to heavenly home tonight,
Whilst burning up your flame of life at last.

O how can I live without my delight?
I shall together tonight return to dust.

I will stay here with you, you say, ’t is just
Lyke stars in daytime do exist unseen.

So to eternize our true love, I must
Wryte verses and prove what you really mean.

Though I am no less mortal than my lover,
My verses day and night praise you forever.
