

  Kiriko, Masumi, and Ryuta are walking. The shopping street is busy. On the street, various shops are standing in a line. Many passersby are walking around the street. The bicycle passes through the street. Sub-director Matsuo in the Tamura group mixes in the location. The man who brings a board reflector passes through the street. Taeko and Ami are walking.

      Miku:  Eiko~!
     Taeko:  Hey, did you think you lost?
        Ami:  Well, I didn't think it would pass.
     Taeko:  I mean…
        Ami:  I mean… that's it. The actress is like…
     Taeko:  Yeah, it's like a lottery.
        Ami:  Yeah, yeah. It's no use.
     Taeko:  Forget it.
        Ami:  Yeah, forget it.
  Matsuo:  Thank you very much! I am a big fan of Kobayashi's movies,
                  so I want to go to this location from now on!
  Tamura:  That's my job.
  Matsuo:  I appreciate it. I will never forget your kindness.
  Tamura:  Now, it's time.
  Matsuo:  Set! Action~!

  Koizumi:  Look at all these lonely people on the street. A shopping
                   street is crowded with passersby. A crowd. Faceless crowds.
                   Everyone is wearing a mask. It's flowing like symbols. We are
                   crowds. You also are. I've forgotten my face. I've lost sight of
                   my voice.
      Ririka:  Remember. I don't want to hear any excuses!
  Koizumi:  I'm already blending in with the crowd.
      Ririka:  Show me your real face.

  Ririka and Koizumi kisses.

  Koizumi:  Leave me alone!
      Ririka:  No.
  Koizumi:  Just leave me alone!

         Shin:  It just laughs. I was ready to be acted.
  Mitsuko:  We were too. Hey, hey! What are we going to do today?
        Kiko:  Mitsuko, you're so quick to change your mind.
  Mitsuko:  Because it's wasting our time to get upset for this.
        Kiko:  Hey, hey, Jey. How about an extra?
          Jey:  Why me? I'm already free! It's free like an extra.

  Jey kisses Kiko.

        Kiko:  Stop that.
          Jey:  Any day is free. Any day doesn't get upset.
  Mitsuko:  That's good. Shin?
        Shin:  So then, I may play with the girl.
          Jey:  Not about that. What do we do today?

     Ririka:  I'm sorry… but I love that man.

  Ririka immediately goes out. The photographer Kimura takes her photos.

     Miku:   Prepare for anything in your life.
      Eiko:   Why are you tweeting for all this time?
     Miku:   Make my decision and live like going adventure.
      Eiko:   Oh, go for it! Look at the blue sky. Things are gonna get
                  real flashy like a firework! That's it!

  Kimura's cameras are just getting off from the open cafe, taking photos of the passersby on the street, and getting across it. Natsume brings their leaflet and walks on the street.

  Natsume:  Hey, is it okay to bring on our placard?
     Kurumi:  No problem, no problem, be natural.
        Azuki:  Is this line captured by a microphone?

  They are going to another side (Camera moves.)

  The faith club:  Let's go for picnic 
                            go over hill  ♬
                            blowing whistles with a good cheer ♬
                            look at the blue sky 
                            we feel so clear ♬

  Ririka:  Yusuke! Yusuke~! Where are you?! Where are you now ~!
               Where are you?

  Kobayashi is watching the monitor and gazing at Kiriko. Kii, the recorder, looks at Kobayashi.

        Kii:  You want to choose that girl, don't you?

  Kobayashi is looking at Kiriko, to see her reflector in the monitor.

  Kobayashi:  From now on, there is a poet Henri Michaux in France.
                      When I watched the movie, it said he was concerned about
                      extra, so he couldn't concentrate on the main cast's play.
                      He was concerned about the story of extra.
               Kii:  It won't be late from now. Don't you use her as a main cast?
      Matsuo:  Let's do it!
         Ririka:  Kyoko! Sakako! Where are you!

  Ririka cries out in a big voice. Ririka and Hirona comes across. They hug each other.

       Hirona:  Shiko! What happened, Shiko!? Tell me!

        Ririka:  Yusuke goes somewhere.
      Hirona:  Did you Yusuke for alone? Fool! That's no good, Shiko.
                     Don't you understand what you are doing?
        Ririka:  I know. But…
        Anon:  Heeey! Everyone, big news!
   Koizumi:  Shiko~!  (He hugs Ririka and kisses her.)
       Ririka:  I love you!

      Ryuta:  Does this play look great?
  Masumi:  Not so good. Kiriko is better than them.
      Ryuta:  Is that lady playing Kiriko's cast?
      Kiriko:  No, the role almost turns.

  Anon comes out.

      Kiriko:  That lady is my role.

  Michio comes to the location beside Ryuta and Masumi.

    Michio:  Too bad! That lady!
      Ryuta:  Is she?
  Masumi:  I think Kiriko is the best.

  Kimura brings his camera and goes around Ririka, Hirona, and Anon.

  Kimura:  More nice mood!
    Ririka:  I won't let you off.
  Hirona:  I also.

  There are veterans of extra Shimura, Mifune, and Kiura. Nikora and Inaba follow them.  

  Shimura:  Don't look at the camera now. Be patient. If you hear
                   someone screams, turns around, and acts like a gentleman.

  Anon screams.

       Anon:  It's too late.

  Shimura turned so quickly and stopped. Mimine, Kiura, Nikora, and Inaba also turns. The camera goes across and takes the other passersby some photos.

    Hirona:  No, it isn't! Which one? Tell me!
      Ririka:  Anybody else do you know?
  Koizumi:  Anybody else!?
    Hirona:  We have to do something!

  Machiko is walking alone.

   Troupe:  Ah~  Machiko!
  Kurumi:  Shhhhh~!

  Machiko goes shopping.

  Machiko:  Excuse me. I want this one.
          Ken:  Yes, thank you so much.

  The role of a shopkeeper, Ken, actively serves a customer.

         Machiko:  Um…
                 Ken:  Yes, can I help you?
         Machiko:  Um…
                 Ken:  Yes, may you say something that you want?
         Machiko:  Then, I want this, too.
                 Ken:  Thank you. This and this. Two thousand yens.
         Machiko:  Yes.
                 Ken:  You may pretend to give some money.
         Machiko:  Ah, here.
                 Ken:  Okay! Thank you!
  Sub-director:  Yes! Bold!

  The clapperboard sounds.

                Taya:  Cut! Why did you do that!?

   Taya yells with a big voice and runs to somewhere. Ririka is thinking about something.

             Ririka:  Incidentally, I will hit into there.

   There is Miu and the man as an extra.

  Man:  Two run off together and come to this town. That's the scene.
   Miu:  Oh, sure.
  Man:  How about two of them want to die for now?
   Miu:  No problem.

  Those five members of the troupe are talking at the corner of the town.

   Troupe:  It's hot~ are you hungry?
   Troupe:  Hungry~.
  Kurumi:  What do you want to eat? Something to eat? Do you want to
                  eat "Bento"?
     Azuki:  I want to eat "sushi".
  Kurumi:  Shut your mouth. I don't understand what you say.

  Miku and Eiko bring the shoes of the prop and keep looking at them.

    Den:  That's the prop. It's real shoes.

  Miku and Eiko are still looking at the shoes.

    Den:  Would you like to buy a pair of shoes? That's the prop. Of course,
              if you like it.

  Kobayashi Faith Club sings the traditional song. "Let's go for picnic  Go over hill ♬."

  Ranko:  Oh, I remember that middle-aged man.

  There are four road workers near the open car.

                 Momona:  You, what are you doing?
                      Asaka:  Ahhh~!
  Middle-aged man:  I want to join as an extra.
                     Ranko:  Ah! (She points out something.) You are the girl at
                                   the site of the audition!
                Momona:   Umm?
                     Ranko:  There is a ghost. There is a girl I've seen!

  Katako is walking to the extras. Ranko looks at Kobayashi.

      Ranko:   Ah, this girl! She's the main actress in Mr. Kobayashi's first
                     movie! She is… his ex-girlfriend!
     Troupe:  I'm hungry~.
    Kurumi:  Are you hungry?
       Azuki:  Hungry~.
          Ken:  Near this place, there is a fantastic bar that my friend
                    manages it. Would you like to come and drink later?
  Machiko:  Ah, I mean…
          Den:  Um? No, that's not the scene we want. You must do it
                    properly, don't you?
  Machiko:  Sorry.
          Den:  I mean, if you aren't interested in the play, don't apply for the
          Ken: (To Den) Will you stop scolding her while taking this role?
          Den:  Excuse me, would you like to have some shoes?
          Den:  Is this your first time for this location today?
  Machiko:  Yes.
          Den:  You know that is amateur's level.
          Ken: (To Den) Hey!
          Den:  Okay, I understand~! Would you like to have some shoes?

  Sao who brings the recording rod talks to someone who handles the recording base.

  Sao:  Yes, yes. We need.

  Joe comes close to the extras.

  Joe:  Everyone. Good mood. Keep this!

  Kobayashi comes into beside Ririka, Hirona, and Anon.

  Kobayashi:  I mean, you don't know this point of the play at all.
                      That is the worst thing.
          Anon:  Excuse me.

  There is Michio near Kobayashi.

         Michio:  You don't understand it.
  Yamamuro:  Come on! Quick! Come on!

  Ranko and others are coming closer.

         Ranko:  Right, you are right. Mr. Kobayashi.
  Kobayashi:  Oh, you guys.
         Asaka:   I hope to see you again. How is the movie going?
         Kaede:  Can we change something to do?

  Joe comes into Machiko and Ken.

             Joe:  Ken, good job. (To Machiko) Don't look at the camera and
                      don't check out that you are on the screen.
    Machiko:  Yes, I'm sorry.
             Joe:  I'm begging you.
    Machiko:  I'm sorry.

  Joe passes through the people. Den was disappointed.

           Ken:  What is your name? (To Machiko)
          Den:  You know that the extra doesn't have any time!?
          Ken:  Exactly. The extra doesn't have any time.
          Den:  Unfortunately, we named passersby A, B, and C.
  Machiko:  So, I will use the name "passersby A."
          Ken:  I use B.
         Den:  Then. I use C.
         Ken:  No, I didn't ask you, Mr. C.
         Den:  Okay, okay.

  Joe comes into those extra.

          Joe:  Hey, you guys! You are speaking to each other all the time!
                   Are you interrupting our movie?
  Machiko:  I'm sorry.
          Joe:  You (Machiko), come here.
          Joe: (Look at Kiriko) Is that you, Miss Kiriko?
      Kiriko:  Yes.

  Joe gets Kiriko to the location.

          Joe:  Please play from here.
      Kiriko:  Yes.
          Ken:  I appreciate it.
      Kiriko:  My pleasure.
  Shimura:  This would be fun.
  Masumi:  Kiriko! It's your turn! Go for it!
      Kiura:  Kiriko! How splendid!
  Masumi:  Do it! Go for it!


  board reflector レフ版
  lottery 宝くじ
  change your mind. 気が変わるな
  adventure 冒険
  Things are gonna get real flashy like a firework! 
  placard ポスター
  recorder 記録係
  Be patient! 耐えて!
  incidentally ちなみに
  You know that is amateur's level!? 素人はこれだからなぁ!?
  Shut your mouth! 黙ってて!
  I'm begging you. 頼むよ

139、 商店街


 美久: 瑛子さんー!
 妙子: ねぇ、落ちると思ってた?
 アミ: そりゃ、受かるなんて思ってないよ
 妙子: なんつーか
 アミ: なんつーか、そりゃそうだよ、女優なんてさ
 妙子: もうね、クジみたいなもんだからさ
 アミ: そうそう、もう、あかん
 妙子: 忘れよ
 アミ: もう忘れよ
 松尾: ありがとうございます!本当に俺、小林監督の大ファンで、現場
 田村: 俺のお陰だからな
 松尾: ホント感謝してます。この恩は一生忘れないッス!
 田村: 始まる。そろそろ
 松尾: よーーい!スタートー!

  小泉: 見てごらんよ!この孤独な通りの人々よ!通行人でごったが
 梨々香: 思い出してよ、そんな言い訳聞きたくない!
  小泉: ぼくはもう群衆に溶けてるんだ。
 梨々香: 私が剝がしてあげる。


  小泉: ひとりにしてくれ!
 梨々香: いやよ
  小泉: ひとりにしてくれ!

  シン: 笑っちゃうよなぁ、全く超やる気になってたのにさ
 みつこ: 超やる気になってきたのに。ねぇねぇ!今日これからどうす
  キコ: みつこ、切り替え早いな
 みつこ: だって、くよくよしてもしょうがない
  キコ: ねえ、ねえJ、エキストラはどうする?
     J: 俺にふる?俺はもう、自由人だからさ!自由感覚はエキストラ


  キコ: やめて
     J: いつだってフリー。いつだってクヨクヨしなーい
 みつこ: いいね、シンは
  シン: じゃあ、じゃあ、俺も女と遊んじゃおっかな
     J: そんなことより俺たち今日は何するんだって話だろ?!

 梨々香: すいません・・・私はあの人を愛している


  美久: 腹をくくれよ人生よ
  瑛子: 何つぶやいてんの さっきから?
  美久: 腹くくって大胆に生きてみたい


 久留美: 大丈夫、大丈夫、さりげない
 アズキ: こういうセリフってマイクに拾われないの?


 心中クラブ: 丘を越え行こうよ~♬ 口笛 吹きつつ~♬

 梨々香: ユースケ!ユースケ~!!どこにいるの?どこにいるの~!どこにいるの?


  キー: あの子が本当は良かったんでしょ?


     小林: 昔、フランスにアンリ・ミショーって詩人がいた。いつも映画  
  キー: 今からでも遅くないよ。あの子を主役にしたら?
  松尾: そうしましょうよ!
 梨々香: 京子!坂子!どこにいるの!


 ひろな: 歯子!どうしたの 歯子!ねえ 教えてよ!

 梨々香: ユースケがいなくなった
 ひろな: ユースケを一人ぼっちにしたの?愚か者!だめでしょ 歯子。
 梨々香: わかってる。でも。
 アノン: おーい!大変よみんな!
  小泉: 歯子~!!(梨々香に抱きついてキスする)
 梨々香: 愛してる!

  竜太: 演技上手いの アレ?
 ますみ: 上手くない。切子の方がいい。
  竜太: あの子が切子の役やってるの?
  切子: 違うよ、もうじき出てくるから


  切子: あの人が私の役


  満郎: 下手だよ!あんな女!
  竜太: そうだよ?
 ますみ: 切子のほうがいいよね


  木村: もっと感じだしてよー
 梨々香: もう離さない
 ひろな: こっちこそ


  志村: 今はカメラの方見るな。我慢だ。次に叫び声が聞こえたらパッ


 アノン: もう、手遅れよ!


 ひろな: そんな事ない!どっちなの?教えてよ!
 梨々香: わかる人いる?
  小泉: 誰かわかるか?!
 ひろな: どうにかしないと!


  劇団: あー真千子!
 久留美: シッー!


 真千子: すみません、これください
  ケン: はい、ありがとうございます


 真千子: あの・・・
  ケン: ヘイ、なんでもいいから喋った方がいいんじゃないっスか?
 真千子: はい
  ケン: お金渡す振りでいいですよ
 真千子: あ、はい
  ケン: はい!ありがとうございます!
 助監督: はい!ボールド!


  田屋: カット!なんで、そっちの方ダメなの!


 梨々香: ちなみに、そこぶつかりに行きます


  男: 二人は駆け落ちして、この街に来たという設定で行きましょう
 ミウ: えぇ構いません
  男: 二人は死のうかと思っているってどうですか?
 ミウ: 構いませんよ


  劇団: 暑いーお腹空かない?
  劇団: お腹空いたー
 久留美: 何食べたい?何食べたい?お弁当何食べたい?
 アズキ: 寿司食べたい
 久留美: もう皆うるさい。何言ってるかわからない


  でん: 小道具だよ、本物の靴だよ


  でん: 買う?小道具だよ。まあいいけど

  心中: 丘を越え 行こうよ~♪
  蘭子: あ、あん時のおやじ


   桃菜: あんた、何してるのよ
   朝香: あー!
 おっさん: やってみたかったんだよ
   蘭子: あ!(指差して)オーディション会場にいた子!
   桃菜: え?
   蘭子: 霊がいる。あの時の子がいる!


   蘭子: あ、あの子!小林様の初監督作品の主演女優だ!小林様
   劇団: お腹空いたー
  久留美: お腹空かない?
  アズキ: 空いたー
   ケン: この近くにさ、俺の友達がやってるめちゃくちゃ良いバーが
  真千子: あ、いや
   でん: え?ちょっとそういう設定じゃねえだろ。ちゃんとしなきゃ
  真千子: すみません
   でん: あのさ芝居に興味がないんだったらエキストラなんかやらな
   ケン: 靴屋さん。撮影中の面倒はあれなんで、控えてもらってもい
   でん: はーい、靴いかがですか? 今日は撮影初めてですか?
  真千子: はい
   でん: 素人はこれだからなぁ
   ケン: 靴屋さん!
   でん: はい 了解しましたー。靴、如何ですかー?


   サオ: ハイ、ハイ、必要です


  ジョー: エキストラの皆さん、感じ良かったです、そのままで!


   小林: なんかさ、全くこの芝居の意図がわかってないんだよね、そ

  アノン: すみません


   満郎: わかってねえーよ
   山室: おらっ!早くしろ!オラァ!


   蘭子: そうよ、そうよ、監督
   小林: あ、君たち
   朝香: お久しぶりです。調子はどうですか?
    楓: 私たちが変えることはできますか?


  ジョー: ケンくん、よかったですよ。(真千子に)カメラ見ちゃダメ
  真千子: はい。すみません
  ジョー: 頼むよ
  真千子: すみません


  ケン: 名前なんでいうんですか?(真千子に)
  でん: エキストラに名前あるわけねえだろ?
  ケン: エキストラには確かに名前ないですけどね
  でん: 所詮、通行人A、通行人B、通行人C
 真千子: じゃあ名前はAでいいです
  ケン: じゃあ、オレB
  でん: オレはC
  ケン: いや、聞いてないですよ、Cさん
  でん: ハイハイ


 ジョー: ちょっと、そこ!ずぅーっとおしゃべりして!映画なめてん
 真千子: すみません
 ジョー: 君(真千子)ちょっとこっち来て。(切子を見て)切子さん、
  切子: ハイ


 ジョー: こちらでお願いします
  切子: はい
  ケン: よろしくお願いします
  切子: よろしくお願いします
  志村: いいねぇ
 ますみ: 切子!頑張れ!頑張れ!
  木浦: 切子ちゃん凄いじゃん!
 ますみ: 頑張れ!頑張れ!


 ■ change your mind.

 ■ Things are gonna get real flashy ~

 ■ Be patient.

 ■ You know that is amateur's level!?

 ■ Shut your mouth!
 同じ表現でshut up!があるが、相手に威圧感を与えるのでビジネスシーンでは使うべきではない。久留美がお腹を空かしている劇団員たちに言い放った。「わたしだって腹減ってんのよ!!」と言いたげな様子である。
