
Happy Women's Map 青森県 日本初のシャンソン歌手 淡谷 のり子 女史

-日本コロンビア / NIPPON COLUMBIA Co., LTD 

"In moments like these, I sometimes feel the urge to let out a heartfelt cheer for the strength and struggles of that woman's fight."

淡谷 のり子 女史 
Ms. Noriko Awaya
 1907 - 1999
青森県青森市 生誕
Born in Aomori-city, Aomori-ken

Ms. Noriko Awaya was a pioneering Japanese chanson singer. Especially during the wartime oppression, she continued to sing, adorned in beautiful makeup and costumes, offering solace to soldiers in the battlefield and their families.




"Gonbohori -Spoiled child"
Noriko was born as the eldest of two sisters to Daigo Awa-ya, a kimono shop run by one of Aomori's most wealthy merchants. She had over 30 servants and the storefront was always busy, and Noriko was given Western dolls and Western sweets, which were rare at the time, and grew up without any problems. When Noriko was 3 years old, her store was destroyed in the Great Aomori Fire, and although her father, Hikozo, worked hard to rebuild the business, her store was soon left in the hands of other people. Noriko is a big fan of fashion, even as "foreclosure" papers are pasted on her belongings one after another, and she "digs" for fabrics and obi that she likes. By the time she started attending girls' school with her ribbons fluttering, her father, who was abandoned by his relatives and addicted to alcohol and women, disappeared with another woman, leaving his family behind. My mother, Mine, who had endured the situation silently by following her husband, left her hometown and moved to Tokyo with her two daughters. At the urging of their mother, Noriko and her younger sister, Toshiko, attended the Tokyo School of Music (currently Tokyo University of the Arts Music Division) and Aoyama Gakuin's undergraduate piano department in hopes of becoming singers and music teachers like Tamaki Miura. Noriko thoroughly learns the basics of classical music and aims to become an opera singer. As her family gradually becomes poorer, her younger sister Toshiko suffers from an eye problem and has to work hard to pay for the expensive treatment. Noriko takes a leave of absence from her school for about a year, and she earns her living by serving as a nude model for paintings. In particular, she receives a marriage proposal from the painter Shogo Taguchi, who provides her with dedicated support such as her tuition and medical expenses, but when her younger sister Toshiko's eyesight improves, Noriko returns to school and becomes an opera singer again. We aim to She received guidance from soprano Ineko Kubota, a disciple of Lily Lehmann, who established the vocal teaching method, and Noriko graduated at the top of her class at the Toyo Music School at the age of 29, taking her first steps as a vocalist. I'll take a step. ``No matter how hard life is, don't give in to life. If you don't master your true art, it's not worth the effort to make music.''

​"Karakiji -Stubbornness"
When the Great Depression began, Noriko remained at her alma mater and enrolled in her graduate school. Although she was active as a classical singer at concerts hosted by her alma mater, she also sang popular songs such as ``Kujihama Ondo'' and ``Madros Kouta'' to support her family, and performed on stage at Denkikan in Asakusa, Tokyo, and performed in movie theaters. I sing exclusively for. The fact that ``she sang a vulgar song'' was considered to be her downfall, and she was removed from the graduation list of her alma mater (she was later reinstated). Her record company recorded the chanson cover songs ``Donña Mariquita'' and ``Gloomy Sunday'' and they became big hits. She sparked a chanson boom in Japan. She was subsequently called the Queen of Tango with her hits ``Farewell Tango'' and ``Song of Heartbreak'', and the Queen of Blues with her hits ``Farewell Blues'' and ``Rain Blues'', and she became a popular singer. While she was on the run from sexually harassing men at a record company, she married Hajime Wada, a jazz pianist, but soon divorced. Her love of alcohol grew, so she ran a bar, went on a wild trip to Shanghai with a comedian, and formed the ``Noriko Awaya'' band while enjoying her love life. During World War II, no matter how much she was forced to do by women's groups or the military, she never wore a mask, drew thin eyebrows, put on dark lipstick, got a perm, and appeared on stage wearing beautiful costumes. go up. After the war, she began singing at U.S. military camps and officers' clubs, and toured around the country with her younger sister, Toshiko, on the piano. Noriko continues to sing with her own orchestra, on stage, on radio, and on TV, amidst the ``new asari'' and ``women's trump cards'' by new singers, including the sexual harassment of male record companies and publicity agents. . She passed away at the age of 92, with Noriko having a ``Karakiji'' personality that was not ``Joppari'', and was very active as a singer and music critic.

-青森市 Aomori-city

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Happy Women's Map & Days

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