
Happy Women's Map 茨城県 日本初のイコン画家 山下 りん 女史 

-白凜居 山下りん記念館 Hakurinkyo Rin Yamashita Memorial Museum

"If I die, die. If I live, live."

山下 りん 女史 Ms. Rin Yamashita
1857 - 1939 
茨城県笠間市 生誕
Born in Kasama-city, Ibaraki-ken

Ms. Yamashita Rin was Japan's first icon painter and female religious portrait artist. She worked on artworks for Tokyo's Nikolai-do Church and other Orthodox churches in various locations.

``I can't stand being sacrificed to my family.''
Rin was born to a father, Shigetsune, and a mother, Matsue, who belonged to a lower class samurai class in the Kasama clan, and was one of three siblings: an older brother and a younger brother. During the battle between the shogunate army and the Tengu party of the sonno-joi faction, Rin spends her time painting Japanese paintings and ukiyo-e with her grandfather, who runs a temple hut. Around this time, many of the daughters of lower-ranking samurai families like Rin were married to wealthy farmers, but could no longer bear the hardships of life and committed suicide with their infants. Eventually, Rin is encouraged to marry a farmer, and she moves to Tokyo on her own, aiming to pursue a career in painting. She is once taken back to her family, but she cannot give up on her dreams and returns to Tokyo. While taking on all the household chores, she studied under an ukiyo-e artist named Kunichika Toyohara, and then under Seijuro Nakamaru, who had studied Western painting under Tougai Kawakami. Witnessing the sunset of Japanese painting, Rin relied on a relative to take the entrance exam for the Kobu Bijutsu Gakko, which had just been established by the Meiji government, and when she passed the exam, she received monthly support from the Kasama clan.
``Why does it move me so much?''
Rin becomes one of Japan's first six female art students to receive instruction from Italian painter Antonio Fontanesi. Under the guidance of Fontanesi, who teaches Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Millet, and Western philosophy and thought as reflected not only in painting techniques, Rin enthusiastically learns with fresh surprise and joy. Eventually, due to government budget cuts, Fontanesi resigned and an unknown painter was hired to replace him, and the students voluntarily left the school one after another and founded the art group Juichikai. Around that time, under the influence of her classmate Masako Yamamuro, Rin entered the Russian Orthodox Church. Father Nikolai, who was visiting Japan, encouraged her to study in Russia to study iconography.
``the cries and prayers of the people''
Rin departs from Yokohama, sketching Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore, Ceylon, Aden, Alexandria, and Constantinople, then enters the port of Odesa, Ukraine, and arrives by train in Petersburg. He lived in the Novodevichy Monastery and began making icons under the guidance of Fyodor Ivanovich Jordaan. While observing Russian Byzantine traditional art struggling with the influence of Western art, Rin searches for his own unique style of icon painting. Rin paints Japanese paintings and portraits, builds a carriage stand, and goes to the Hermitage Museum. In Russia, where a struggle is swirling to denounce the contradictions in society and seek a new era, Rin completes her five-year study abroad in two years and returns home, experiencing friction with the monastery and other people around her. After returning to Japan, she set up an atelier at a Japanese Orthodox women's seminary, and left over 300 holy statues, mainly in the Kanto region, Tohoku, and Hokkaido, including Nikolaido. Ren Yamashita, who remained single all her life, returned to her hometown at the age of 61, and passed away at the age of 81.

-白凜居 山下りん記念館 Hakurinkyo Rin Yamashita Memorial Museum

Happy Women’s Map
Happy Women's Map

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