
Happy Women's Map 佐賀県多久市 日本初の女性漫画家 長谷川 町子 女史 / The First Female Manga Artist in Japan, Ms. Machiko Hasegawa


"I want everyone to laugh every day."

長谷川 町子 女史
Ms. Machiko Hasegawa
1920 - 1992
佐賀県多久市 生誕
Born in Taku-city, Saga-ken

長谷川 町子 女史は日本初の女性漫画家です。日本で初めて漫画のキャラクターの著作権侵害裁判を起こして勝訴しました。代表作『サザエさん』『いじわるばあさん』『エプロンおばさん』。美空ひばり女史に続いて日本女性2人目の国民栄誉賞を受賞。
Ms. Machiko Hasegawa is the first recognized female manga artist in Japan. She initiated and won the first copyright infringement lawsuit involving manga characters in Japan. Her notable works include "Sazae-san," "Mean Grandma," and "Apron Aunt." Following Ms. Hibari Misora, She became the second Japanese woman to receive the People's Honor Award.




"Genius Girl"
Machiko Hasegawa was born into a family with three sisters, under her father Yukichi, a Mitsubishi coal mine engineer, and her mother Sadako, whose brother was a politician. When her father Yukichi started a wire rope business, the family moved to Hakata, where they began to live a prosperous life with two maids. Machiko, always in high spirits when drawing from a young age, used to draw portraits of her teachers during school, circulating them around the class. Soon after, Yukichi fell ill and passed away. Following his death, Sadako converted the family to Christianity and, relying on her brother, a member of the National Diet, moved the family to Tokyo. Sadako then worked tirelessly to develop the talents of her three daughters. The eldest, Mariko, studied Western art under painter Takeji Fujishima, the second, Yoko, studied literature under Kikuchi Kan, while Machiko was taught manga by Suiko Tagawa. At the age of 15, Machiko made her debut as a manga artist with "Tanuki no Men" in "Shojo Club" as a "genius girl." After a year of living as an apprentice, she returned home and began serializing "Hifu Miyo-chan" and "Nakayoshi Techou" in newspapers and magazines.

As the war intensified, the Hasegawa family evacuated to Fukuoka. Machiko joined the Nishinippon Shimbun newspaper, where she worked on retouching news photographs and drawing illustrations for reportages. In between her work, she collected horse dung from the roadside for home gardening. With the war's end, she received a job offer for a serialized manga in the evening edition of the Fukuoka Nichinichi Shimbun after becoming independent from the Nishinippon Shimbun. While taking walks with her sister along the sandy beach and pine forest near their home at Momochi Seaside, Machiko began drawing the daily life of the Isono family, starting with "Sazae-san." Anticipating the success of the manga, her mother, Sadako, sold their house and instructed the three sisters to publish "Sazae-san." The family moved to Tokyo, established the publishing company "Shimai-sha" (Sisters Company), and published the first volume of "Sazae-san" in the following year, eventually completing all 68 volumes. Soon after, "Sazae-san" shifted to serialization in the evening edition of the newly founded Asahi Shimbun newspaper, and the Isono family's setting transitioned to Tokyo.

"Mean Grandma"
Observing her family, friends, and the households of assigned journalists meticulously, Machiko continued to write her works entirely on her own, without assistants. "Manga must be interesting," she emphasized. Machiko struggled with the daily challenge of coming up with ideas, leading to a stomach ulcer that required surgery. To release the stress accumulated from "Sazae-san," Machiko began serialization of "Mean Grandma" in Sunday Mainichi. Additionally, she filed the first lawsuit in Japan for copyright infringement of manga characters when unauthorized portraits of Sazae, Katsuo, and Wakame were used on both sides of a tourist bus for 20 years. She won the case after 5 years but faced the tragedy of her home being set on fire. Eventually, Machiko became estranged from her sister Yoko due to a dispute over inheritance. She later decided to suspend the serialization of "Sazae-san" without resuming it when the Hasegawa Machiko Art Museum opened. At the age of 65, she joyfully exclaimed, "This is the beginning of my youth!"


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