
Happy Women's Map 千葉県松戸市 日本女性2人目の宇宙飛行士 山崎 直子 女史 /The Second Japanese Woman Astronaut, Ms. Naoko Yamazaki  


「正解はひとつではない 」
"The answer is not singular."

山崎(旧姓 角野) 直子
Ms. Naoko Yamazaki / Sumino
1970 -
千葉県松戸市 生誕
Born in Matsudo-city, Tiba-ken

The Second Japanese Woman in Space. Juggling astronaut training and parenting, she successfully collaborated with nations worldwide, accomplishing various missions on the International Space Station.





" I will build a spaceship!"
Naoko, along with her father, a self-defense officer, her mother, a full-time homemaker, and her brother, has been fascinated by the universe since childhood. They often went to star observation events and planetariums, and Naoko developed a deep admiration for space through SF anime and movies such as Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999, and Star Wars. As a high school teacher, Naoko looked forward to astronaut Christa McAuliffe's space lessons. However, in 1986, she witnessed the news of the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding in mid-air just one minute after liftoff. This event fueled her determination to build a spaceship herself.

"I will become an astronaut!"
Naoko enrolled in Ochanomizu University High School, then pursued a degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Tokyo, specializing in a department with only three female students. While excelling in experiments in the natural sciences, she honed her skills in mechanical operations. For her graduation research, she designed a space hotel where rooms arranged in a circle could rotate, providing artificial gravity. She furthered her studies in aerospace engineering, researching self-learning functions for space robots. Despite strong opposition from her parents due to the Gulf War, Naoko spent a year persuading them and eventually studied abroad at the University of Maryland, known for its active research in space robotics. During her stay, she met a woman in her 70s who was an active helicopter pilot, inspiring Naoko to become an astronaut.

"Don't call me 'Astronaut Mom'"
After graduating from graduate school, Naoko joined NASDA (National Space Development Agency), now known as JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency). As an engineer, she consolidated technologies from various fields in the United States, Russia, Canada, and European countries into a single system. In her third year, she applied to become an astronaut candidate. Isolated in a facility within the Tsukuba Space Center for a week, she lived with eight rivals, tackling challenges set by examiners. She passed on her second attempt, and during the training period, she managed to handle multitasks, including pregnancy and childbirth. In her 11th year, she finally boarded the Space Shuttle Discovery.

"I will open the door from Japan to space!"
After the countdown, accompanied by a tremendous roar, Naoko reached the vastness of space at an altitude of 400 km in just 8 minutes and 30 seconds. Her body floated gently, and even particles and dust seemed to dance weightlessly, beautifully illuminated by the gentle glow of light. With the support of ground control, Naoko successfully carried out the task of connecting the Italian-made multipurpose supply module 'Leonardo' to the American experimental module 'Destiny' within the International Space Station, using the Canadian-made robotic arm. Upon returning to Earth, Naoko, fueled by her experience in space, expressed her determination, she began working towards realizing space travel and, with an open mind and expanded perspectives, continued to pioneer the path to space across diverse fields and with people from various backgrounds.


Happy Women's Map
Happy Women's Map

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