
In the first place, China is very good at fabricating facts…Where is the presence of the prime minister?…The Taiwan crisis is a Japan crisis.

In the first place, China is very good at fabricating facts.
The following is from a series of columns by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared in today's Sankei Shimbun FrontPage.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
(Emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.

Where is the presence of the prime minister?
Chinese President Xi Jinping met with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on May 5 to show the U.N. inspectors any treatment of the Uyghurs.
In the past, Hitler succeeded in holding the Berlin Olympics in 1936 by concealing the tremendous oppression.
Mr. Xi will likely follow Hitler's Germany's example.
In the first place, China is very good at fabricating facts.
It is time for Japan, the U.S., and Europe to accept their responsibility for history in the face of the challenges posed by two despotic dictators, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mr. Xi.
The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics focused on the oppression of the Tibetans, but after too much noise and no improvement, this year's focus is on the Uyghurs.
Many testimonies and witnesses show "genocide."
Despite this, Mr. Xi and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) do not feel bad and are working with Mr. Putin to challenge the battle of values of the century.
Japan, the U.S., and Europe have no choice but to do everything in their power to stop China and Russia from invading by force.
It is indeed an emergency now that a fierce battle of values unfolds in the face of their shameless impudence.
The Japanese government cannot afford to waste even a single day to protect the nation and the international order. 
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida may have little sense of crisis, as he has postponed most of his domestic and international conflicts.
The Ukraine crisis and the Taiwan crisis are undoubtedly linked.
If Japan, the United States, and Europe do not stop Russia from invading Ukraine, China will wash its hands on will and power on this side and wriggle.
The misunderstanding that it is possible to invade Taiwan could lead to an emergency in Japan.
Russian troops are stationed at 100,000 on the border with Ukraine, 30,000 in Belarus, Ukraine's northern neighbor, and Crimea, which they seized in 2014.
Nearly half of Russia's 330,000-strong army has encircled Ukraine.
In February, U.S. President Biden warned Ukrainian President Serensky of a Russian military invasion.
Mr. Putin's military invasion is almost a certainty.
Since eight years ago, Mr. Putin has been preparing for it when he took Crimea.
He has restricted Western food imports, including vegetables, meat, and dairy products, to withstand economic sanctions.
Alternatives have yet to be found, including semiconductors. 
Russia's per capita national income has decreased by 9.3% in 20 years compared to 2013.
Still, Mr. Putin's will to fight has stayed the same.
It is not the economy but the raw military power that undermines his ambitions.
That is why the U.S. is supplying Ukraine with a wide range of weapons, including the world's most powerful handheld anti-tank missile, the Javelin.
The U.K. has also provided portable anti-tank missiles.
The Baltic states, which see the Ukraine crisis as their affair, are also eager to provide arms.
Against this backdrop, it is reported that the Kishida administration has finally begun to consider sanctions against Russia, but Japan has been notably slow to move.
With China and Russia eyeing Japan, Japan should feel a tremendous crisis. Still, the Prime Minister's delay in making a decision is incomprehensible due to his lack of awareness of the issues involved. 
Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi Jinping are like each other.
Mr. Putin dreams of reclaiming the land he lost with the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, while Mr. Xi aims to recover the land he lost after the First Opium War in 1840.
The dreams of both men are ambitions that ignore international law and are unacceptable to Japan's national interests.
However, as mentioned above, Japan has not announced sanctions against Russia due to its concerns.
The House of Representatives adopted a resolution condemning China on January 1, but instead of calling it a "condemnation resolution," it only called it a "resolution.
About Taiwan, where Japan's national interests overlap with those of the United States, the Japanese government and the U.S. government have acknowledged the importance of "peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait" on multiple occasions.
At the January meeting of the Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee (2 plus 2) of the cabinet ministers in charge of foreign affairs, the defense decided to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance to deter China and deal with the situation when deterrence does not work.
How is the agreement on the above being applied to realpolitik?
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's statement that "Taiwan emergencies are Japan emergencies and Japan-U.S. alliance emergencies" was met with a response from Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, who said that "the government is not in a position to explain" the statement as it was "made by someone who is not part of the government.
On January 31, Yoshitaka Nakayama, mayor of Ishigaki City in Okinawa Prefecture, Yoshihiko Yamada, a professor at Tokai University, and others surveyed the area around the city's Senkaku Islands for the first time in 10 years.
Then Matsuno again said, "The government would like to refrain from commenting on each activity of local governments and private organizations." 

The Taiwan crisis is a Japan crisis.
That is why the Japanese government has expressed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait on multiple occasions.
The Senkaku survey is a natural act of the Japanese government. That is why the government authorized this survey. 
Instead of fearing friction with China and Russia, the Kishida administration should have more confidence in Japan.
Suppose the government declared that the Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis and that the Senkaku investigation is necessary.
The public would be more confident in the government's approach to crises. 
To protect Taiwan, with a population of 23 million, from the threat posed by China, with a population of 1.4 billion, President Tsai Ing-wen visited the site of Taiwanese military training at least five times in January alone to offer encouragement.
Tsai is united with the Taiwanese people in her determination to protect Taiwan with her own hands.
Japan, too, needs the presence of its prime minister at this time.
Even if Japan increases its defense spending substantially to strengthen its defense capability or quietly but swiftly moves forward with measures to stabilize the succession to the imperial throne, which is the foundation of Japan's national character, the world will always support Japan.
Prime Minister Kishida and the Japanese people can be genuinely confident. 
One of the reasons for this is an article in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs by Elizabeth Economy, a professor at Stanford University and an expert on China affairs.
In her article, "Xi Jinping's New World Order," she introduced the results of a survey of Asian experts.
In her article, "Xi Jinping's New World Order," she presents the results of a survey of Asian experts, which found that less than two percent said yes to the question, "Is China a compassionate superpower?
According to the survey, less than 2% said yes to the question, "Is China a compassionate power?
In contrast, "more than two-thirds" said that Japan is doing the right thing and contributing to world peace, security, prosperity, and governance. 
Prime Minister Kishida is such a trusted representative of Japan.
I hope that he will send out messages and take action with confidence.
It would be in the national interest to use the time until the Upper House election in July in a very positive way to change Japan into a more respectable Japan.

2023/1/26 in Kyoto



