
Compare yourself with the people around you
The rules be in a row so as not to go out before
Hiding in the shadow of a person not to be noticeable
Everyone together, you don't be differ from others

Even if you criticize the bad places of others parson
You never won't praise the good points of others parson
Hiding in the shadow of a person not to be noticeable
Everyone together, you don't be differ from others

I bet You are doing so until You dies
It's a fun your life, it's a boring life style
Because it's your life you just can
live as you like selfishly
I bet You are doing so until You dies
It's a fun your life, it's a boring life style
Just way you are so until you dies
That's the life you chose, I never do it

You breath in a lukewarmly state nobody don't wanna be hurt
You living in a halfway half hearted warm world
Hiding in the shadow of a person not to be noticeable
Everyone together, you don't be differ from others

I bet You are doing so until You dies
It's a fun your life, it's a boring life style
Because it's your life you just can
live as you like selfishly
I bet You are doing so until You dies
It's a fun your life, it's a boring life style
Just way you are so until you dies
That's the life you chose, I never do it
Who are you? who are you? who are you? are you?

music / lyric George Nishiyama
© 2014-2021 HAPHAZARD RECORDS All Rights Reserved.

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