2020年よりゆる~く活動開始したユニット Virtual bunquetがリリースしたシングル三篇の歌詞 (Applemusic他で好評配信中:リンクあり)
- 運営しているクリエイター
All I want is you (EP)
You don't need to wake up yet.
As far as I'm concerned, nothing good ever happens out there.
I'd rather keep it that way for a little while longer.
Let's just wait for the world to end.
I can't find
Brain Confusion (EP)
雑踏の中にこぼれて落ちた 顔の無い影を拾い集めて
月も隠れた夜に放り投げ あてもなく彷徨う
Alone with the shadow of you
お前に似た女 すれ違いざま
あのフレグランス? 息さえ詰まりそう
かすかな記憶を手繰り寄せて 声にならない声は届かない
近づけば消えそうなかげろうを 目で追うだけで立ち竦む
I just stand alone
二枚あわせの鏡の中に 連なる影が捻れ
It will be easier (EP)
Hey, do you live with dissatisfaction?
Do you can't saying you hate
I don't understand why you do
It looks like you want someone to help
Isn't it hard? isn't it painful?
It will be easier if y