Midnight Blue

(Simone van der Vlugt/Midnight Blue)



So this is Amsterdam, the centre of the world. What a crowd, what a commotion! Boat masts loom up into the sky as far as the eye can see; the quay is covered in bales, crates and baskets that have been unloaded and people calling and shouting out all over each other.

 The deep blue of the night always has a calming effect on me. At home I used to sit at the window and gaze at the stars when I couldn’t sleep, wondering what was up there. Heaven? What do you have to do to get in?

   ‘Pa, there’s something I need to tell you.’
   He lets the reins drop onto the horse’s back and shakes his head. ‘No, child,’ he says, ‘you don’t need to tell me anything.’
