
My hamster routine

    There are many books that say many different things about how often you should do things to your hamster such as cleaning their cage. Some books say that you should not clean your hamsters food bowl until they finish it all or if they poop or pee on it. Some books say that you should clean out the dirty parts of their cage every day, clean out all the bedding every day, and wash everything in their cage every month. Are any of these books wrong? No. Do you have to do everything the books tell you to? No. 
    I think of these instructions of the books that just gives you an idea of how often you should do things. I think that you can "make up" your own hamster routine. Just so you might get an idea of how much you could follow the books and how much of it you could make up, I will tell you my hamster routine. It's really simple. 
   Every day, I check if Chip's hamster bowl and water bottle is empty or almost empty, and if it is, I refill it. I also give him one sunflower seed. I don't crack it open for him, because cracking open sunflower seeds is very good exercise for Chip's jaw. I also give him fresh fruit and vegetable if  he's acting super cute.( Which is usually all the time, except for if he bites me.) It's hard to give it in moderation because he is just so cute!!! I know it won't be healthy for Chip if I give him too much, so I force myself not to.
    Every week, I change the bedding in his cage and wash everything inside it. Of course, I put Chip in a different container when I do that. Hamsters should never get wet.  
    So, now you know my hamster routine and that you don't have to excactly follow anything. 

    Oh! I forgot!!! It's Sunday, so I better clean Chip's cage.
    … Chip is asleep, and I can't wake him up or he'll stress out. Coordinating with a hamster is pretty hard.
