
【通訳案内士】Japanese cuisines 和食

(The English descriptions are below.)

Japanese cuisines 和食

I would like to talk about Japanese cuisines. Japanese cuisines have various recipes. Shojin-ryori which is vegetable dishes developed at Zen temples, and Kaiseki-ryori which is prepared before tea ceremony originally; both of them are part of many different types of Japanese cuisines.

Japanese cuisines are connected with traditional events. We eat Osechi-ryori in New Year’s season. It is considered as an auspicious food, and each side dishes have meanings. For example, Kuri-kinton which is sweet mashed potato and chestnut is considered to raise the economic fortune due to its (gold) color. Prawn and lobster is a thought to have longevity because the shape when bending back looks like senior people.

Sushi is typical Japanese cuisine, too. There is a normal image of vinegar rice topped with raw fish. However, there are various kinds of sushi such as pressed sushi and rolled sushi depending on the area.

Please try various kinds of Japanese cuisines.
