【通訳案内士】Japanese election system 日本の選挙制度

(The English descriptions are below.)
小選挙区比例代表制:the parallel way of single-seat district and proportional representation(☜言い方はいろいろあると思います。ネイティブにはこれで通じました。)
大選挙区比例代表制:the parallel way of multimember district and proportional representation

Japanese election system 日本の選挙制度

The national diet of Japan consists of the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors. The number of Representatives is 465 and the other is 248. A term for Representatives and Councilors is 4 years and 6 years respectively. However, the half of the Councilors will be changed once every 3 years. The House of Representatives can be dissolved, but the house of Councilors can’t.

The method of election is a bit complicated. The House of Representatives applies the parallel way of single-seat district and proportional representation. And the House of Councilors applies the parallel way of multimember district and proportional representation. So, we usually use two sheets to choose the member and the party.

In Japan, the right of voting was granted to adult males in 1889. In 1946, the right to vote for every adults was established in the constitution. In 2016, the election law was amended so that 18 and 19 years old citizens can vote.

Lately, the voting rate is quite low and it is becoming a social problem. I can agree on some opinions such as having indifference for politics, and the difficulty for youth to voice out their views. However, if we want to change the society in the future, it is important for us to have an awareness and participate in politics. And I think that the voting is one way to express our opinions.
