
美術史番外編 「偉大な美術家ランキング(120~101位)」


E=Era(時代)、L=Life(人生) 、F=Field(分野)、Major work(代表作)とする

120th ジャン=バティスト・カミーユ・コロー/Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot

E:Realism, L:France, F:Paint

119th レオン・バッティスタ・アルベルティ/Leon Battista Alberti

E:Renaissance, L:Florence~Rome, F:Architecture/Paint

Major works

1, Santa Maria Novella
2, Palazzo Rucellai
3, Tempio Malatestiano
4, Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Mantua

118th フランス・ハルス/Frans Hals

E:Baroque, L:Netherlands, F:Paint

Major works

15, The Merry Drinker
13, Laughing Cavalier

116th ジョヴァンニ・ベッリーニ/Giovanni Bellini

E:Renaissance, L:Venice, F:Paint

Major works

1, The Feast of the Gods

115th アンドレア・デル・ヴェロッキオ/Andrea del Verrocchio

E:Renaissance, L:Florence~Venice, F:Paint/Sculpture/Architecture/Metalwork

Major works

1, The Baptism of Christ
2, Equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni

114th 韓幹/Han Gan

E:Chinese painting, L:Tang, F:Paint

113rd リダー・アッバースィー/Reza Abbasi

E:Persian miniature, L:Persia, F:Paint

112th テオドール・ジェリコー/Théodore Géricault

E:Romanticism, L:France, F:Paint

Major works

1, The Raft of the Medusa

111th ドメニコ・ギルランダイオ/Domenico Ghirlandaio

E:Renaissance, L:Florence, F:Paint

Major works

15, The Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni

110th ジョン・ラスキン/John Ruskin

E:--, L:England, F:Paint

109th 趙孟頫/Zhao Mengfu

E:Chinese painting, L:Song~Yuan, F:Paint/Calligraphy

108th ビフザード / Kamāl ud-Dīn Behzād

E:Persian miniature, L:Persia, F:Paint

107th イオ・ミン・ペイ/Ieoh Ming Pei

E:Modernism, L:China~USA, F:Architecture

Major works

1, Louvre Pyramid
2, Bank of China Tower of Hong Kong
3, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
4, Museum of Islamic Art, Doha
5, John Hancock Tower
6, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
7, Miho Museum

106th ジョルジョーネ/Giorgione

E:Renaissance, L:Venice, F:Paint

Major works

1, Sleeping Venus
2, The Tempest
3, The Three Philosophers
4, Judith
5, Castelfranco Altarpiece

105th ハンス・ホルバイン/Hans Holbein der Jüngere

E:Renaissance, L:Augsburg free city~England, F:Paint

Major works

1, The Ambassadors

104th ピエロ・デラ・フランチェスカ/Piero della Francesca

E:Renaissance, L:Florence, F:Paint

Major works

1, Flagellation of Christ
2, Brera Madonna
3, The Baptism of Christ

103rd アンリ・ルソー/Henri Rousseau

E:Naïve art, L:France, F:Paint

Major works

24, The Sleeping Gypsy
13, Tiger in a Tropical Storm

102nd アンドレア・マンテーニャ/Andrea Mantegna

E:Renaissance, L:Venice~Mantua, F:Paint

101st アルテミジア・ジェンティレスキ/Artemisia Gentileschi

E:Baroque, L:Rome~Naples, F:Paint

Major works

1, Susanna and the Elders
2, Judith and her Maidservant
