

Agree or disagree: Improvements in medical technology are always beneficial to society

1 出生率は 1970 年代以降、はるかに高い数値に達しました
2 公衆衛生と安全は、生活する上で最も重要な側面です
3 ますます多くの人々が長生きできる

1 the birth rate reached far more number since the 1970s
2 public health and safety is the most significant aspect to live
3 more and more people can live longer

     I believe that improvements in medical technology are always beneficial to society in terms of birth rates, public health, and longevity.


     Primary, the birth rates reached far more standard now since the 1970s. Especially in Africa, a lot of babies died due to a lack of medical care, bad living condition, and a dearth of nutrition. However, their birth rates are approaching 5 which was like no one could predict 30 years ago. Medical technology contributed to this grateful outcome.

 まず第一に、出生率は 1970 年代以降、はるかに標準的な水準に達しています。特にアフリカでは、医療の欠如、劣悪な生活環境、栄養不足により、多くの赤ちゃんが命を落としていました。しかし、彼らの出生率は「5.0」という、30 年前には誰も予測できなかった値に近づいています。医療技術の発展のおかげでこのような結果になったといえます。

     Second, public health and safety is the most significant aspect of life. Governments spend large amounts of money on research and development of medical technology. Some argue that they spend too much, but from a realistic point of view, stable public health and safety is a fundamental factors to save citizens’ lives. COVID-19 is not to be solved without investing large capital in the medical industry.

    第二に、公衆衛生と安全は生活の最も重要な側面です。政府は、医療技術の研究開発に多額の資金を費やしています。支出が多すぎると主張する人もいますが、現実的な観点から言えば、安定した公衆衛生と安全は、市民の命を救うための基本的な要素です。例えば、 COVID-19 は、医療業界に多額の投資をしなければ解決できません。

     Last,  more and more people can live longer. In other words, improvements in medical technology support society with working, because it allows us to be animated for longer, and earn money when we become over 60 years old. This means that medical technology is key to social development.


     For these reasons mentioned above, improvements in medical technology are always beneficial for all ages, all places, and all eras. That's because they support society as having fundamental roles in the modern world.

