
画像1 昨日の疲れで昼から動き出した俺たちはまずご飯を調達しに。Tired from yesterday, we finally started moving around noon, and we went to get some food firstly.
画像2 寮のすぐ近くのタイ料理屋さんに来たよ。We went to this Thai restaurant near our dorm.
画像3 買ったのはグリーンカレー。店主さんのご厚意でミルクティーも付けてもらった!I bought green curry. Thanks to the kindness of the owner, we also received milk tea!
画像4 基本的に自分はご飯を食べるのが遅い方で、食べてる最中にみんな掃除始めてて焦った💦途中から遊び始めてて笑った Basically, I'm a slow eater, so I was perplexed when everyone started cleaning while I was eating💦
画像5 昼からは阿蘇ロック見てた!トリにはすいちゃん出てて激アツ!!I was watching Aso Rock from noon! Sui-chan appears as a last performer for the day and it was super hot! !
画像6 くまモン、暗い背景に同化しちゃってた笑笑 It was interesting to see how Kumamon seemed to blend into the dark background.
画像7 ライブ終了後、袋麺で打ち上げ。いいライブだったなぁ… After the live performance, I reflected it while eating bag noodles. It was a really good live...
