
画像1 大学の横の門から入るとショートカットできるけど、傾斜がすごいんだよね。You can take a shortcut by entering through the gate on the side of the university, but the slope is quite steep.
画像2 学校行く前に買っておいた小籠包を食べる!I'll eat xiao long bao that I bought before going to school.
画像3 外国語学部棟の中庭にはいくつかベンチがあって、木陰で落ち着くことができる。よく見たら竹も生えとる。There are several benches in the courtyard of the Faculty of Foreign Studies building where you can relax in the shade of trees. If you look closely, you can see bamboo growing as well.
画像4 クラスメートからゴーフルをもらった。日本のお菓子だとは知らなかったみたいで、そこから話が広がった。I received a gaufrettes from a classmate. She didn't seem to know that it was a Japanese sweet, so I was able to expand on the topic.
画像5 ビジネスマナーの授業。今回は賀寿についてだったけど、百寿以降は知らなかったから勉強になった。This time in the business etiquette class, we were talking about Gaju, generic term for longevity celebrations in Japan,but I didn't know anything about it after 100 years, so I learned a lot.
画像6 放課後、そう君が用事でバイクに乗るらしく、俺も着いていくことにした。シェアバイク便利だなぁ。After school, Sou-kun was going to ride a bike, so I decided to go along with him. Shared bikes are very convenient.
画像7 普段からよく見るgogoroという会社のバイクはtsmcとの共同だと初めて知った。I learned for the first time that the bikes I often see from a company called Gogoro are jointly produced with TSMC.
画像8 その後図書館に行ったら偶然ソフィアンにあって一緒に勉強することにした。でも実際は雑談してて、全然宿題が進まなかった笑Afterwards, we went to the library and happened to meet Soffian, and we studied together. But actually, we were just chatting and I couldn't make any progress on my homework.
画像9 みんなで一緒にご飯もできてよかった!It was great to have a dinner together!
画像10 ルームメイトの二人は仲がいいな。本当に兄弟みたい笑My two roommates are good friends. They look like real brothers lol
