
画像1 朝から米國文學の授業出てきた。先生の描くイメージのイラストがゆるかわだった。I had an American literature class in the morning. The illustrations that the teacher drew were easygoing and cute.
画像2 前に山口に留学に来てた台湾の友達から連絡が来て、昼から遊ぶことになった。初めてのバイク乗車でドキドキ。A friend from Taiwan who had come to Yamaguchi to study abroad contacted me, and we decided to hang out in the afternoon. I was excited for my first time riding a bike.
画像3 現地集合で合流できた!We were able to meet up locally!
画像4 ここの鍋屋さんは自分で具材を取る方式なんだね!This hotpot shop lets us pick our own ingredients freely!
画像5 つけだれも多くてトッピングし放題だ。There is a lot of dipping sauce and we can add many toppings.
画像6 誕生月だったから鮑が付いてきた!みんな元気そうでよかった!話は尽きないね。Since it was my birthday month, it came with abalone! I'm glad everyone is doing well. There is no end to the story.
画像7 バイクで次の場所へ移動。直線だと普通に時速70キロとか出るし、体感だとまじでもっと恐ろしい。これは死ねる。We moved to the next location by bike. In a straight line, you can reach speeds of 70km/h, which is actually it's even more frightening. If I fell off the bike, I'd probably die.
画像8 なんとかジュンさんにしがみついて山の上の公園に到着!Somehow I managed to cling to Jun-san and arrived at the park on the mountain.
画像9 なんか日本で見たことない虫がいた。There was an insect that I had never seen before in Japan.
画像10 ミミズっぽいなと思ったけど、触角がある。多足類は苦手な人多そう。I thought it looked like an earthworm, but it had antennae. There seem to be many people who are not good at myriapods.
画像11 そこらへんにいたバッタもめちゃくちゃデカかった。さすが南国や。The grasshoppers around there were also really big. As expected from a southern country.
画像12 食事後の軽い登山!It was a light mountain climb after dinner.
画像13 ときどき木漏れ日が差し込んできて心奪われる。Sometimes the sunlight filtering through the trees captures my heart.
画像14 途中公衆トイレに寄ったら黒い犬が近づいてきた。敵意はなさそう…?When I stopped at a public toilet on the way, a black god approached me. There doesn't seem to be any hostility?
画像15 野良犬かと思ったら、このおじさんの飼い犬だった。ご主人の前だと急におとなしくなって可愛かった。I thought it was a stray dog, but it turned out to be his pet. The dog became quiet and cute in front of him.
画像16 分かってはいたけど、本当に台湾はバイク大国だわ。交差点には2段階右折のための待機スペースが設けられてて、なおかつ大きいんだよね。Although I knew it, Taiwan is really a motorcycle country. At the intersection, there is a waiting space for two-step right turns, and it is also large.
画像17 3人乗りはセーフなのかな…?お母さんも子供二人を連れて大変だ。Is it safe to ride with three people? It must be difficult for the mother to bring her two children.
画像18 最後にみんなで豆花の店にきたよ!Finally, we came to douhua store.
画像19 黒いのは仙草ゼリーで、色とりどりなのは湯圓という白玉のようなもの。下の方にかき氷が隠れていて、食べ進めていくと頭がキーンとなっていくる。The black one is herb jelly, and the colorful one is a rice-flour dumplings called tangyuan. There was shaved ice hidden at the bottom, and I get headache as I continued to eat it.
画像20 またこの面子で会いたい。次は中国語で会話できるくらいに成長した姿を見せるぞ!I want to see you guys again. Next time, I'll show them how much I've grown to the point where I can talk in Chinese.
