
画像1 バスに乗って中国語の同學とのご飯へ。I took a bus to go to eat lunch with Chinese class mates.
画像2 1人の先生が持っている中国語のクラスが2クラスあって、午前中のクラスの一人がこの韓国料理店の老闆なんだって!Our teacher have two classes in a day, and one of the students in the morning class is the owner of the Korean restaurant!
画像3 ベトナムとフィリピンの同學と最後らへんは同じだったけど、ずっと喋ってて楽しかった。ずっと笑顔で元気をもらえた!The last part of lunch time, I ate with classmates from Vietnam and Philippines, and enjoyed them talking all that time. They are always smiling and make me feel good.
画像4 母語がスワヒリ語の方がいて、知ってた下ネタを話してみたら大爆笑されてすぐ友達になれた。こういう冗談とかを知ってると、グッと心の距離を縮められるね。There was a guy whose native language was Swahili, and when I told him some dirty jokes I knew, he laughed out loud and we quickly became friends.
画像5 If you know these kinds of jokes, you will be able to get closer to each other.夜に鴨肉を扱う人気な店に来た。At the night, we went the restaurant sells duck meat.
画像6 鴨肉飯と鴨肉意麵。麺よりは断然ご飯が合う。上に乗ってるたくあんがいいアクセントになってた。Duck meat rices and soft noodles. I preferred rices definitely. The pickled radish on the rice was a nice accent to change tastes.
画像7 帰り道に、薬屋さんに寄ってみた。On the way back, we stopped by a drug store.
画像8 ムヒ高い…日本の約2倍はするから、買いだめしてくれてた母さんに感謝。Muhi (itch medicine) was very expensive...about twice the price in Japan, so I was grateful to my mom for stocking up on it.
画像9 スーパーに来たら、お菓子の品揃えが多くて歓喜。When I went to the supermarket, I was delighted to see the large selection of sweets.
画像10 美味しくてなんともいえませんよ。そうですか…笑 日本人だから感じられる違和感が面白い。"It's delicious and indescribable." I see... The sense of discomfort that I feel because I'm Japanese. It's interesting.
画像11 マシューが日本語の授業を取っているらしく、日本人2人で質問に答えた。日本語を教えるのって本当に難しいし、日本語の先生の凄さをひしひしと感じた。Matthew seemed to be took a Japanese class, and two of us were answered his questions. I realized that teaching Japanese is really difficult, and felt how great Japanese teachers are.
