
Snow monsters in Japan

I took the lesson with the teacher I same as yesterday.

Today’s topic was Japanese monsters.
She asked me about snow monsters in Japan. 
I realized that she talked about juhyou at Mt.Zao in Miyagi and Yamagata prefecture.
It is not a real monster though, the trees are covered with a lot of snow, so it seems kind of a monster, therefore, called a snow monster. 

Regarding snow, she asked me which is more difficult skiing or snowboarding.
I experienced both, but in my case, I feel skiing is easier than snowboarding.
There are two reasons, I started skiing first and had been for more than 15 years, and snowboarding for about 5 years. 
The second reason is ski boards are separated, so easy to control. 
If I go snowboarding now, I’m sure that I can’t get up after for 1 week.

At the end of the lesson, she told me about more Japanese monsters, but I didn’t know about them. 
I always learn about Japan from her, I am Japanese and she isn’t though.
