
Suffer from stomatitis

I took two lessons today.

The first one was with teacher I.
I shared that I had gone out because I had errands this morning with her.
I went out on my bicycle, which was so cold I worried my ears could fall off.

I was supposed to go to DAISO, but I first dropped at the bank and went to the library to receive some books I had reserved.
And then, I realized that I didn't go to DAISO, but because it was too cold, I gave up going to DAISO and coming back home.
I should have bought a liquid refilling container for my weekend trip.

I couldn't remember the word I wanted to say during the lesson, and I recognized it as soon as the class finished.
It was "upside down."
I wish I could take it out of my drawer whenever I need it.
Why do the same things happen?

The second one is with teacher N.
We sometimes greet, "How's your stomatitis?" each other, also today.
We are easy people to get stomatitis.

I usually have it on the tip of my tongue in case having it there, and I suffer from making sounds, especially "d," "l," "t," "th," and sometimes "r," but now on the side of it, that's why it's not so uncomfortable to talk.
Take care always, and sleep tight!
We need enough sleep to heal our bodies.
