なぜ在留資格申請を専門家に依頼するか?Why ask a professional to apply for a status of residence?

Why ask a professional to apply for a status of residence? Applications can also be made by the applicants themselves. Immigration and Immigration Service Agency's website provides information in foreign languages, and a lot of information on applying for residency status shared within the foreign community.

1.Due to the time and effort required
To file an application, you have to prepare required documents. This takes time and effort. For those who are working every day, this can be a huge burden. If you have to go to the immigration authorities to apply, this takes a considerable amount of time and effort.

2. Difficult to understand how to apply
To prepare the required documents, you must first understand what is mandatory. Some of the required documents are unfamiliar even to the general Japanese national. It can be a challenge just to properly prepare these documents on your own. In addition to this, not many people know what the immigration authorities check when examining these documents. Besides, if there are required documents that are not available, can you still apply?

3.Difficulties in dealing with a rejected application.
Even if an application is refused, it may still be possible to re-apply. For the re-application, it is necessary to understand the reasons given in the refusal notice and resolving the issues within a limited period of time. However, the immigration authorities are not proactive and exhaustive in giving the reasons for refusal, and if the applicant does not ask the right questions, the reasons for refusal may not be sufficiently known. If you ask a professional to reapply after a refusal, you may have to pay an additional fee or  even they may not accept your request.

a)  申請のための時間と手間が省けます。
b)  専門家は、ただ書類を揃えるだけでなく、入管当局の審査のポイントを踏まえた書類作成をします。また、必須書類だけでなく、任意書類を作成することで在留資格の妥当性を補強します。
c)  専門家は、申請後の入管当局からの質問や追加書類提出要求に迅速に対応します。これにより、在留資格の妥当性を補足するとともに、より早く審査が進みます。
d)  もし申請が不許可となった場合、当事務所の場合、私達は、迅速に拒否理由を調べて的確に把握し、再申請をします。
1.If you ask an expert to apply for you.
a) You save time and effort in the application process.
b) The expert not only prepares the documents, but also prepares them based on the key points for examination by the immigration authorities.
c) The expert can also reinforce the validity of your status of residence by preparing not only the mandatory documents, but also the optional documents. They also reinforce the validity of the status of residence by preparing not only the mandatory documents but also optional documents. d) The experts promptly respond to questions and requests for additional documents from the immigration authorities after the application has been submitted. This supplements the legitimacy of the residence status and allows the examination to proceed more smoothly.
e) If the application is rejected, in our office's case, we quickly investigate the reasons for the refusal, understand them precisely and re-apply.

Applying for status of residence is essential for foreigners to stay in Japan legally. If you want to be sure about a application, we recommend that you consult a specialist.

Out office offer free consultations and a refund policy for applicants to leave it us at ease.

行政書士 藤原 陽一
Yoichi Fujiwara, Immigration Lawyer
