在留資格の概要:在留資格は2種類に分類されます。 Overview of Status of Residence: Divided into two main categories.

In our previous article we talked about visas and status of residence. In this article, we will discuss an overview of residency status.

As mentioned in the previous article, if a foreigner wishes to stay in Japan for more than three months, he or she must obtain a status of residence.

There is a wide range of residence statuses, with 28 listed on the Immigration Services Agency's website.

在留資格の種類 Type of Status of Residence

According to the Agency, these residency statuses are divided into two main categories. One is "Status of residence depending on the activity you will be doing in Japan", and the other one is "Residence status according to status and position".

The former status is granted for activities such as working, studying or staying with family in Japan. As it is granted for designated activities, if a person is not engaged in any activities related to that status of residence for more than three consecutive months without a legitimate reason, the Minister of Justice shall revoke the foreign national's current status of residence.

The latter include spouses/children of Japanese nationals, permanent residents, spouses/children of permanent residents and permanent residents. One of the characteristics of this type of residence status is that there are no restrictions on work activities. Therefore, there is no need to obtain a  permission for working. No restrictions on work means that you can work without restrictions in, for exemple simple tasks, physical work, cash registers, sales and factory work.

Incidentally, it is possible, for example, for a spouse of a Japanese national to reside in Japan with a work-related status rather than a spouse of a Japanese national status.

The above is a rough, but general, overview of residency statuses. I will be writing articles on each of these statuses, so I hope you will read them.

See you soon

Yoichi Fujiwara, Immigration lawyer
