

昨年の7月20日に,私のブログで取り上げたが,28℃以下で凍結(凝固)するPCM(Phase-change materials,相転移物質)素材の蓄熱蓄冷作用を利用した商品を,熱中症対策として昨年の7月に購入して利用し始めた。



Preventing Heatstroke with PCM (Phase Change Materials) Products:June 13th (Thursday)

Last July 20th, I featured a product on my blog that uses the heat absorption and release properties of PCM (Phase Change Materials) that freeze (solidify) below 28°C. I bought this product as a countermeasure against heatstroke and started using it last July.

Over the past few days, Kyoto City has been experiencing hot and humid weather with daytime highs around 32°C. Tomorrow's forecast predicts a scorching 35°C. Therefore, heatstroke prevention measures are necessary. During my 7-kilometer one-way bike commute from home to the university, I encounter strong UV rays and intense heat. As I keep pedaling, I can feel sweat pouring out. This year, starting from today's commute, I wore an ice neck ring made of PCM material around my neck to combat the heat during the approximately 40-minute bike ride. Upon arriving at my university laboratory, I placed the ice neck ring in the lab's refrigerator, and within about 5 minutes, the PCM material inside, which had melted, solidified again.

This PCM ice neck ring utilizes the latent heat energy for heat absorption and release. Phase change refers to the transition of a substance between solid, liquid, and gas states due to temperature changes. When a solid changes to a liquid (melting), heat energy is absorbed by the substance, providing a cooling sensation. Conversely, when a liquid changes to a solid (solidification), heat energy is released from the substance. The strength of this PCM ice neck ring lies in the fact that the solidification temperature of the liquid is 28°C. It is said that this technology is also used in NASA's space suits.