

日本は,再エネ発電事業者を増やし,再エネ発電導入を拡大させる目的で,2012年7月より,再生可能エネルギー全般を対象に固定価格買取(Feed-in Tariff, FIT)制度を導入し,さらに2022年4月よりフィードインプレミアム(Feed-in Premium, FIP)制度を導入している。






Renewable Energy Surcharge for Fiscal Year 2024:June 10th (Monday)

In Japan, to increase the number of renewable energy power producers and expand the introduction of renewable energy power generation, the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) system was introduced in July 2012, covering all renewable energies. Additionally, from April 2022, the Feed-in Premium (FIP) system has also been introduced.

The FIT system mandates electric companies to purchase electricity generated from renewable energy facilities (renewable electricity) at a fixed price determined in advance. The purchase price is adjusted annually based on the type of renewable energy source (such as residential and commercial solar power, wind power, etc.). The FIP system, instead of buying at a fixed price, supports renewable energy power producers by adding a premium (subsidy) to the selling price (market price) when they sell electricity in the wholesale electricity market. These systems have increased the amount of renewable electricity in Japan. However, the burden on electricity consumers remains significant, regardless of the FIT or FIP system.

For fiscal year 2024 (from May 2024 meter reading to April 2025 meter reading), the renewable energy surcharge unit price for Japan’s FIT and FIP systems is 3.49 yen/kWh. This is set by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, based on the calculation method stipulated by the Renewable Energy Special Measures Law. The calculation formula is (purchase cost, etc. - avoidable cost, etc. + administrative expenses of the wide-area operation promotion organization) ÷ sales volume of electricity. The avoidable cost, etc., refers to the costs that the obligated electric company avoids by purchasing renewable electricity instead of generating electricity themselves.

The calculation formula for the renewable energy surcharge unit price for fiscal year 2024 is (purchase cost, etc. (4.8172 trillion yen) - avoidable cost, etc. (2.1322 trillion yen) + administrative expenses of the wide-area operation promotion organization (1 billion yen)) ÷ sales volume of electricity (770.7 billion kWh) = 3.49 yen/kWh. The transition of the renewable energy surcharge unit price over the past five years is as follows: fiscal year 2020: 2.98 yen/kWh, fiscal year 2021: 3.36 yen/kWh, fiscal year 2022: 3.45 yen/kWh, fiscal year 2023: 1.40 yen/kWh, and fiscal year 2024: 3.49 yen/kWh. The unit price for fiscal year 2024 is the highest level since the system was established.

For a typical household (400 kWh/month) in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' household survey, the annual renewable energy surcharge for fiscal year 2024 will be 16,752 yen. This amount will be added to the monthly electricity bill and collected reliably. Since most of the components and materials for solar power and wind power are procured from countries like China and Europe, in simplified terms, an increase in renewable electricity will make Japan's energy security more vulnerable, turn the trade balance into a deficit, and impoverish the citizens.

This is what is currently happening in Japan. The naivety of the Japanese people is astonishing.