

国際石油資本の中でも,脱炭素社会移行に向けての対応が分かれてきた。石油天然ガスは他のエネルギー資源と比べてエネルギー密度が高いため,脱炭素社会移行期でも石油天然ガス資源の需要は堅調と見て,大気中の二酸化炭素(CO2)を直接回収するDAC(Direct Air Capture)技術や,発電所や工場から排出されるCO2を回収・隔離・貯留するCCS(Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage)技術の設置に大規模投資を手掛けるエクソンモービルなどの国際石油資本である。この動きは米国バイデン政権のもとで「インフレ抑制法」が後押しする形で投資が急増しているという。


Negative Emission Technologies:October 3rd(Tuesday)

Among international oil capitals, responses to the transition towards a decarbonized society have diverged. Due to its high energy density compared to other energy resources, the demand for oil and natural gas resources is expected to remain robust even during the transition to a decarbonized society. Major international oil companies like ExxonMobil are investing heavily in the installation of Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology, which directly captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, and Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) technology, which captures, isolates, and stores CO2 emissions from power plants and factories. This movement is reportedly experiencing a rapid increase in investment, supported by the "Inflation Control Act" under the Biden administration in the United States.

On the other hand, there are companies, such as international oil giants like Total Energies in France, that actively invest in renewable energy projects around the world as multinational corporations. Whether oil and natural gas resources become stranded assets is subject to change over time, and it is said that when the proportion of renewable energy in the world's overall energy mix surpasses a certain threshold, the global landscape could undergo a significant transformation all at once.