





Tony breaks through for the first time in 8 years:April 30th(Sunday)

Tony, also known as "Tonikaku", a Japanese variety comedian, "Anyway, Bright Yasumura", became a huge hit on the British commercial audition program "Britain's Got Talent (BGT)" which aired in April. BGT is a well-known program remembered for Susan Boyle's performance.

Tony's famous "Don't worry, I'm wearing (pants)" comedy skit became popular in Japan in 2015. Why did it succeed in gaining the sympathy of the British people 8 years later? Tony himself says it was the best reaction he's ever received.

In a time of uncertain and complex international relations and high inflation causing daily hardships, people may have been seeking a sense of unique comfort and relief.

Perhaps the key to his success was the simple and unexpected nature of his humor. Anyone can imitate it, but there is an unspoken social norm that no one would dare to do so. Tony was able to perform it effortlessly and confidently in public, which may have been the reason for his success.