




Kamo Horse Racing:May 5th(Sunday)

Today, at the Kamigamo Shrine (Kamo Wakeikazuchi Shrine), in the early afternoon, the ritual of the Kamo Horse Racing Association was held. It is said that this ritual has been held at the Kamigamo Shrine since 1093 (in the 7th year of the Kanji era), making this year the 931st anniversary.

In the essay collection "Tsurezuregusa" (written in the mid-14th century) by Yoshida Kenko (also known as Kenko Hoshi), in section forty-one, it is described how crowded it was with spectators at the Kamo Horse Racing event, to the extent that one could not even see the horses racing from behind. It reads, "On May 5th, when I went to see the Kamo horse races, the commoners stood in front of the carts, blocking the view. Each person descended, trying to get closer to the edge of the ditch, but with so many people crowded together, there was no way to break through..." and so forth.

Nowadays, seating for spectators is available for a fee. Outdoor seating costs 500 yen, and tent seating costs 1,000 yen (as of 2023). The scene of a monk, as described in "Tsurezuregusa," who climbed a sandalwood tree amidst the crowded spectators of the Kamo Horse Racing event, sat on a branch and dozed off, seemingly about to fall from the tree, is something we are unlikely to see again.