





GX Workforce Shortage:June 18th(Tuesday)

The Nikkei Breaking News on June 10 introduced a forecast by Mitsubishi Research Institute, predicting that Japan will face a shortage of 2 million appropriate personnel to lead the Green Transformation (GX) between 2020 and 2035 as the country transitions to a decarbonized society.

On May 14, 2024, I also discussed on my blog that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, in collaboration with the public and private sectors, launched the "GX League" to promote decarbonization. This organization has released the "GX Skill Standards" to define the skills required for GX personnel, clarifying the previously ambiguous qualifications needed.

The "GX Skill Standards" categorize the necessary skills into four types: Analyst (calculation of greenhouse gas emissions), Strategist (planning for greenhouse gas emissions reduction), Inventor (developing technologies to implement emission reduction plans), and Communicator (negotiating and promoting implementation with stakeholders involved in greenhouse gas emissions). These skills are further divided into four proficiency levels.

To cultivate suitable personnel to lead GX, it is crucial to introduce accurate education aimed at fostering an understanding of GX and developing GX talent as early as possible in elementary education. It is concerning that even university students often believe that picking up litter is the epitome of environmental action. In the real world, the gap between reality and ideal is vast, and if we do not swiftly transform this mindset, we will literally become a "boiled frog."